; froyo ;

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kelsey's pov

it was the next day when i woke up in my bed to hear the birds chirping outside my window. i got out of bed like a scene in one of the glamorous movies. it was saturday so it wasn't mandatory for me to go to the team 10 house but i would anyways. maybe i could find some busy work to do. i pulled myself together to look presentable and i was on my way.

when i arrived outside and there was a crowd of people standing outside like usual. i tried to avoid them all because i felt kind of guilty having to tell them that the team wouldn't be coming outside. i successfully got inside the gate unnoticed until they saw me walk towards the door. they were screaming and asking for jake to come outside. i got inside for it to be awfully quiet. there was no banging, no signs of anything broken, and the house was clean. this is the first time this has ever happened.

i walked through the downstairs and found no one. what the hell was going on. i slowly made my way upstairs and knocked in chanthony's door. no answer so i opened it. they weren't there. i tried tessa's room. empty. nick was gone and so was jake. i was completely alone in the house. i went to the garage to check if the cars were there. to my surprise they were. okay so they ubered or walked. i pulled out my phone to text tony.

to tony: yo where are you guys? the house is completely empty.

from tony: haha oh shit did you forgot? we all went to ohio for the weekend. it's for a team 10 video. we offered you to come.

i remembered now. its been a plan for like a month. i arranged the plans. i got all the plane tickets and staying arrangements set up. how could i forget.

to tony: i'm such an idiot. i'm sorry i did forget, tell everyone i said to have fun.

i was excited to be alone in the house. i had worked here for a year and was still discovering new things about the house. i was checking out the empty room where erika used to sleep. she lived in jakes room now so the room was just furnished with a bed. i was checking it out when i heard the front door open.

"yo jake!" i heard kade call out. ha he must've forgotten too.

"not home, no one is. they're all in ohio." i said coming out of erika's old room. kade was shocked to see me when he turned around.

"kelsey! you almost gave me a heart attack! i completely forgot about the ohio thing." he said laughing while holding his chest.

"don't worry i did too. i even texted tony asking where they all were." i laughed back.

"what were you doing in there?"

"just exploring." he laughed at my adventurous trait.

"i have big news!" he said excitedly.

"nathan's coming?" i knew that would be the news.

"yes?! kelsey he's gonna be here tomorrow at 4pm!" he was basically jumping with joy.

"that's great kade! i'm happy for you!" i said as i went for a hug. the hug lasted longer than i expected but it was nice.

"he's gonna love it here! the only problem is that he's gonna have to sleep on the couch until i can find a bigger place but he'll get over it! he'll be too excited to sleep right?" he was rambling and it was funny but i had to stop him before he lost his breath completely.

"hopefully! i'm excited to finally meet him. hopefully he still thinks i'm cool." i laughed realizing we were still in the middle of the team ten house.

"oh trust me i know nathan and he'll lovvveee you." he smirked sending me a half ass wink.

"what's that supposed to mean kade?" i was curious as to what he thought was so funny about me wanting nathan to think i'm cool.

"come on kels you haven't noticed?" he said placing both hands on my shoulders.

"obviously not because i have no idea what the hell you're talking about." i gave him my sassiest response.

"nathan has like a thing for you or something." i almost choked. what? did he really just say that? my jaw must've dropped to the floor because kade continued nervously. "okay so maybe its not a thing it's more like a cute little crush like you have in middle school. he has since you guys talked on facetime 3 months ago." kade was really throwing his brother under the bus right now but i enjoyed knowing this. i was speechless.

"i..i... i don't know what to say i mean i'm flattered, and he's cute, i just don't know him that well." i didn't want kade to think i was rude but it was true.

"it's okay kels you don't have to like him back or anything. just don't tell him i told you. you're a beautiful girl and i just want you to be aware that the first time he sees you he might drool over you." he chuckled as he threw his head back.

"well maybe i'll do the same over him." i giggled and slapped kade's arm.

"so kelsey, what do you say we go get some vegan froyo?"

"i'm down." hell to the yes. frozen yogurt is always a picker upper. we agreed to take kade's car because you know men and their cars. we drove in the car to the place blasting team 10 songs, when my personal favorite came on. i began to sing along with tessa.

"40 acres on this ass that's a low guess but you already know this!" that was by far my favorite part of the song and i was proud of tessa and erika. kade laughed at my imitation of tessa and continued to drive.

we go to the place on hollywood boulevard and finally found a spot to park. we skipped inside having the time of our lives. we filled up our cups and went to the register. kade put his up on the scale first and then when i wasn't looking put mine on and paid.

"you guys are all set." i heard the employee say as kade handed me my cup and a spoon.

"what did you do that far?" i asked him as we walked to the table and sat down.

"hey, it's the least i could do."

word count: 1100

a/n || nathan will be in the next chapter and him and kelsey will finally meet. also this story will be updated on mondays! and probably an occasional random chapter here and there. but also if i ever start to slack on updates fight me.

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