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Dreams are a strange thing if you ask me, Sometimes they are amazing, life changing events that change your output on everything. Sometimes its fear that changes everything, waking up screaming with tears streaming down your face. But for me it was the usual. Black nothingness. The feeling is one that cannot be described. Its one of its own, almost like you are floating.

Sometimes it turns into nightmares but most of the time its just black. I never understood why this happens just that it does. Most nights when I'm with Tobias he dreams. His tail will sway or he'll talk, quiet murmurs in the night. I never knew what he dreamed about only that it wasn't nightmares.

For me I always let myself float around. Sleep to get enough rest but stay partially awake to stay alert in case something happened. Most of the time I would stay awake and watch over the boys as they slept, only sleeping if I needed to. Tonight was different though. I was alone and being waited out, stuck in a tree with someone who wanted to kill me underneath.

Tonight was a night where I was fully asleep. If anything major happened I would probably be oblivious to it. I only let this happen every so often, not a lot because of the danger in the woods but the tree was high enough that no one would be able to bother me. While no one except for Tobias and Kuro.

I don't know what time it was but I could hear them climb up the tree, their movements quick and controlled. In my deep sleep of course I didn't know who it could be. It almost felt like I was drunk, suspended in nothing.

They gently picked me up, their arms beneath my knees and shoulders, carrying me bridal style. There were only a few people who would pick me up with such care. Most people would do it ruff and quick so I immediately knew I wasn't in any danger. The scent was also familiar too, almost the same as mine but a male's scent.

They jumped from the tree and landed on the damp earth with a soft thud. Being in the forest for so long can teach a person a few things. The sounds around you could easily be identified. The smells too. It was all like being at home and you knew everything there but this was the forest.

They walked through the forest, their steps silent on the forest floor. This person was trained to be silent. Years of practice on their hands.

He cleared his throat and I immediately knew who it was. Tobias. He had come back and looked for me. Of course he would we were siblings.

I opened my eyes and looked up at him, leaning my head to the side, against his chest. Tobias glanced down at me and chuckled softly. "Morning Kitty."

My eyes flickered from his face up to the sky that was pitch black. "Night Tobias." I smirked and closed my eyes, relaxing in his arms. It was what we did. Teasing each other but technically I was right. It was still night.

Tobias laughed and continued to make his way under the darkened sky. "Very well. I see you're in that kind of mood today. Well you're not asleep which means you can walk on your own." He quickly moved his arms out from beneath me and dropped me onto the hard earth below.

I shrieked and groaned as my body made contact with the ground, a sharp pain running up my spine. My brother's laughter was audible as I rolled over onto my stomach, my back and shoulders throbbing with the pain of being dropped. "Why..?" I asked, my voice weak and quick as I laid my head down.

"You want to be technical." His laughter came to stop and he reached down, scooping me up in his arms. Tobias wasn't the mean type. He was more of the protective but he did like to joke around with me often.

I Leaned against his chest and closed my eyes, wrapping an arm around his neck. "You're so mean." I said, my voice sounding more like a whine.

"The feeling is mutual." Tobias chuckled softly, holding me bridal style again. Is body was naturally warmer then one of a human. Almost like a werewolf. Of course my body wasn't warming me up like it should. One reason being I was tired and the other being that I was in the cool night air for so long.

Tobias was like a heater for me at the moment. Not only heating up to keep him warm but to keep me warm as well. We were siblings and had a closer spiritual connection together. It felt good to know. It was helpful because we knew when the other was hurt. We would feel a small pinch, depending on where the wound was and how bad it was. Like a mate bond but not a strong.

The cool night air swirled around us, the cold wind biting at my bare arms and legs. It was okay though because I had Tobias's warmth around me. As if getting an indication of the cooler temperature, Tobias held me closer, immediately starting to warm me up. "Almost there." He said softly, he voice almost a whisper.

I started to drift off but it was more like getting lost. In dreams that is. It was something that happened all the time. The blankness of sleep, getting left with your thoughts. It was mutual. Depending on what was on your mind it could be pleasant or terrifying.

For me it was neither. Just a time to think. It was a nice time for just myself. The blackness and Tobias's warmth around me.

I was almost Seventeen moons now. Where I would come of age to find my Mate. Tobias had come of age long ago but still never found his mate. Would it be the same for me? Had I left my mate behind in Namara? It was something that had to be risked. For my safety. Maybe one day I would meet up with them.

Kuro too was almost of age. A few weeks I assumed. With nothing to tell the day or date it would be hard to figure out his birthday, Only he would know that. As children we always had a small party. Just me and him. I had saved up enough money to buy a small cake for the two of us. It was simple but it was nice. I always made him a gift. As we got older we just had a cake but that was all he ever wanted. Just some time with me I guess. Although I consider him my brother there was always something more between us. I don't know if he could feel it but I could. Especially as we get older. It gets stronger.

Tobias glanced down to make sure I was alright but of course there was nothing to make sure of. I was safe in his arms and no one could do anything to hurt me as long as I was.

When I came out of my dream like state, Tobias was setting me down on a pile of blankets in the clearing of a cave. It was a fairly large cave and lit by a fire in the middle of it. It warm and comfortable in there, the blankets supplying even more warmth then needed.

A small smirk found its way onto my lips as he wandered to the other side of the cave to grab some food left in one of our bags. This cave was different from the other one we were staying in. The cave from before was lower then this one.

Tobias came back over to me, handing me a bright red apple. "Best I got." He said with a slight chuckle.

I laughed and shook my head, taking the Apple from his hands. "Not as good as deer but it will work." I shrugged.

He sat back down beside me and shook his head, an Apple for himself in his hands. "Thats up to you. In not the Hunter here."

"No but if you want some Deer you have to help out too you know." I laughed before taking a bite from my apple. It was crisp and juicy on the inside, perfect at the moment.

"I dont usually. That's you and Kuro actually." He stated with a smug smile on his lips before he took a bite from the apple in his hands.

"True, true. But you do help us skin and prepare the meat, that at least counts." I pointed out quickly, taking a few more bite of the apple.

Tobias nodded considering what I had said. "Fine you win." Bite of his Apple. "For now." Another bite of his Apple.

We had always done things like this. Always picked and poked at each other for fun. There wasnt much we could do for fun around here when we were running for our lives.

We didnt know how anything would turn out and most of the time we didn't know where we were going. We just went. There really was No destination for us. It was too dangerous to set a point for us to go. Hopefully it wouldnt be a mistake for is to set for Clompada. It didnt seem to be as such but it just might.

There were many things that could go wrong. We might not be welcomed there considering were fugitives of the king. Not only that but Namara guards might follow us. It was a risky situation. 

Hopefully things would go more well then my mind was thinking. It was just better to think of all the possibilities before we start moving. Get ready and prepared for what might happen.

Just get prepared for the possible future.

Strength In Our Hearts (re-written)Where stories live. Discover now