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Raven is the love of my life. Raven is the name of a bird. Raven is free. Raven is me. Raven is Raven. Raven is my horse. You might be thinking one of the things listed below:

Why is your horse named Raven?

Because I rescued my horse from the wild. Ravens are wild. He's also free. He doesn't like being rode, he doesn't like anything weighing him down. Ravens are free. He flew right through my heart, and made it flutter. Raven is mine.

Where did you find/rescue him?

Me and Raven had many encounters. The first one was at a beach. I was with my boyfriend (ex-boyfriend now) and we see this huge black horse galloping towards us. I got up and my boyfriend (did I mention EX?) stopped me. I resisted and ran towards Raven. My ex-boyfriend ran after me and tackled me. Guess he didn't want me to die that day. Smart. I can't get up at this point because he's too heavy. But this horse is still running towards us and looks like it's going to trample us. I'm begging and begging my ex to get off but he ignores me. The horse reaches us and jumps over the heap of anxiety that's laying here with sand in her mouth. I turn around and lay in awe as he runs away. We met two other anti-climatic times and after that I knew it was meant to be. I calmed him down, and he followed me as I walked home. 

Why do you love a horse that you can't use or ride?

Because love isn't found in things that you usually love. Love is found deep within. Within the things that you always hated. Within you. Within others. Not within things you've been doing for 5 years. It's within the things you've never tried. I've never rode a horse and I don't want to. But horses are amazing animals. That's why Raven is perfect for me. 

This is me and Raven:

This is me and Raven:

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My name is Anna, by the way. This is the story of my life. 

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