How Not To Write A Wattpad Story (2)

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Due to popular demand, I've tried making a sequel. Personally, I don't like it as much- it feels too long and drawn-out, and I was afraid of getting into that situation where an awesome thing is ruined by an unfunny sequel. But here goes.

Remember that this is NOT how I actually write. Check out my other stories for that -->

<chapter 2>

One day, as i was making out with Tupuduhsva, my mom called my on my awesomely kool iPhone 3GS 32 GB 3 megapixel camera Serial Number 178918719829874.

'Hi mom'

'Hey hunny. Watcha doing?'

'Oh nothing.'

'Well, i have a surprise for you. Your going to school!! And this school is totally not full of hot guys and teachers who are actually vampires!'

'Yay!' I said.

I shoved Tupuduhsva in the washing machine and started packing.

On my first day there, I saw my teacher, Mr. Aiden. He was soooo hot.

'Hi mr. Aiden. Can i call you Aiden?'

'Sure you can, Emo Chick.'

Mr. Aiden then pulled his shirt off and started belly dancing on the table.

'Where do I sit?' I said. I wanted to ask Mr. Aiden but he was rubbing whipped cream into his nipples.

There was an empty seat next to this hot guy so I sat down. He looked away from me, grabbed his nose, and proceeded to eat his snot.

Feeling rejected, I sat down next to this fat guy.

'Hi' he said. 'remember me??'


'You got me 20 bucks on ebay!'

I started making out with the fat guy but he wasn't too happy cause he couldn't videotape it this time.

The bell rang and I went outside to stare at all the hot guys everywhere. A few werewolves came up to me and made me play fetch with them.

After recess, I came back and Mr. Aiden told me his secret. He was a vampire. That was sooo unexpected!!!

'I can make you a vampire if you want' he said.

'Ewww' i said. 'You like putting whipped cream on your nipples!'

'Its an ancient vampire custom. It helps us sparkle'

So I was liek 'OKIE'

So then Mr. Aiden started singing:

I like big butts and I can not lie 

You other brothers can't deny 

That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist 

And a round thing in your face 

You get sprung, wanna pull out your tough 

'Cause you notice that butt was stuffed 

Deep in the jeans she's wearing 

I'm hooked and I can't stop staring 

Oh baby, I wanna get with you 

And take your picture 

My homeboys tried to warn me 

But that butt you got makes me so horny 

Ooh, Rump-o'-smooth-skin 

You say you wanna get in my Benz? 

Well, use me, use me 

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