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"Don't worry about the world ending today, it's already tomorrow in Australia."

~ Charles M. Schulz
Australia. Home sweet home..., I've lived here my whole life and I don't plan on leaving soon. My mother would die if I ever moved out of the house! And the country too... unless I have a reason to leave.

"Mum," I shout, "where's the food?"

"In the pantry, like always, Barcelona!"

I roll my eyes and sigh as I head towards the pantry. Guy Valencia, (I refuse to call him dad), left my mother, sister and I for another woman 10 years ago; we haven't seen him since.

My mom's brother is like a father to my sister, Marisol, and I. Marisol is younger than me by 4 years. Crazy fan of Adam...

It's been two days since my encounter with Adam. And honestly, I don't know if I regret it or not. I mean, he did save my life...

"Barce! Barce!" My younger sister, Marisol, squeals my name- well, nickname.

"What?" I sigh, not wanting to be bothered.

"American Idol! I hacked the TV again!"

I chuckle and finish making my sandwich before following her to her bedroom. Her walls were full of Adam... and it creeps me out honestly; his eyes are all over the room...

"He's starting at me..." I mumble; how come we can't watch this is my room? I seriously don't like being stared at!

"Yeah, because he's on my wall! I hope he wins tonight..."

I chuckle, "he will, trust me."

2 hours later

"Why?!" My sister screams, "Adam should've won!"

I sigh and rub my head as I try to calm her down. Yup, I finally realized she's a big fan of Adam Lambert...

Kris Allen won instead of Adam, so my sister is freaking the hell out. But hey, I got to see Queen! Except they performed with Lambert and Allen...

"You said he'd win!" Marisol shouts in my ear.

"I said he may or may not win!"

"No, you said he will win! And he didn't! I hate you!" She runs out of the room screaming on the top of her lungs.

I sigh; she hates me because Adam didn't win American Idol... that is the stupidest reason to hate your older sister...

"Barcelona," a knock comes upon the door.

I look up and sigh, "yes, mummy?..."

"You pissed her off."

"No crap, Sherlock!"

"Hey," she gives me a look.

"Sorry... Adam lost American Idol and I said he'd win. Now she's pissed off because I lied to her in her mind and Adam lost."

She sighs, "give her some time to cool down... you know how she is when she's pissed off."

I nod and sigh. This is why I wished I was an only child. My sister is annoying as hell, she's a brat, but yet, we still love each other.

Marisol kept screaming and sobbing. Damn, never expected anyone to get pissed over that. Ok, fine, if you're a fan, then it's understandable.

But I got an idea... and hopefully she'll like it.

Never Close Our EyesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu