The date

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Armin's POV
Armin: "Saturday at 7?"
"sure" he said all joyfully.
We finished up talking a few minutes later and I had to leave. We say our goodbyes and I was about to call my mom to come and pick me up when Jean remember he drove me here so it would be the right thing to do to drive me back since he drove me here.
We drive home and kind of just talked about some of the funny questions that came up during my stay.
"Favorite animal?" I ask
"Horse." He said
At that moment I imagined him with a horse body and giggled a little.
"W-what's so funny" he asked a little worried. I explained it to him and he laughed too. We got to my house and then he left.

Jeans POV
~The next day
Okay so 7pm. Wait a minute we never specified where. *Picks up phone* *goes to Armin's contact* *walks over to mirror and stares into it* "okay Jean listen to me dont fuck up." I say to myself.
*Sits on bed and starts typing*
Jean: Hey Armin it's Jean. So I was just thinking about our date and......
Let's not! I think to myself
Jean: Hey Armin it's Jean so I remembered that we never specified where the date was supposed to be at.
Armin: Oh hey Jean. Um where do you want to go?
Jean: How about a movie at the Mac mall, then the Golden corral right next to it?
Armin: sure what genre of movie do you want to watch?
Jean: horror?
*Jeans train of thought*
Okay so if we watch a horrific movie then he'll get scared and cuddle up next to me for support.
Armin: um okay.

6:30 pm~

Let's go. I meet him at the movies at 6:45, I pay for the tickets after Armin tried oh so hard to convince me to let him pay for his own ticket. We walk into the theater and we choose seats in the back row near the corner. (Exactly what I wanted) I pass the large popcorn to him and it takes up his whole lap. (He's so cute.)

Halfway through the movie~
*SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE the monster skreached* I see Armin rub his eyes. He's crying out of terror. "Oh shit do you want to leave?" I whisper to him. He suddenly has a tough guy voice. "No I want to finish it."

Five minutes later~

"Ahhhhhhhokay I'm done" he said really loud. We got a couple of stares after that.

We left the theater and headed for Golden corral. We got there in 30 seconds since it was right next to the theater.
"You know we could have walked right?" He said
"Yeah..... I know.... I just didn't want your jelly legs to collapse." I say slowly. We get inside and I payed for it. We find a table and I pull his seat out for him. He sits down cautiously. I go and sit down when the waiter comes out to get our drinks. I got a Dr. Pepper, he got a hot chocolate. The waiter leaves and now it is silent... Dead silent. I'm stumped on what to say because we already asked a lot of the questions about each other from the other night.
"So uh how was your day before the date?" I say trying to break the silence. "It was fine" he says looking down. "Oh okay" I say. "Hey are you okay? Was the movie tramatizing for you?" "No" he said suddenly. "It was scary but I'm not a baby." *The waiter comes with our drinks, puts drinks on table, walks away* "Oh come on you were balling your eyes out!" I sort of shouted. "No I wasn't!" he whined
"I'm sorry but I need to go home" he said sternly. "I'm calling my mom so no bother driving me back." He said
Later ~
His mom pulls up to the restaurant. He leaves.

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