"We're mates, I thought..." His eyes innocently trailed off to the side avoiding my glare. I bet he did this with other girls. Unlike me, Soren probably had experience being in relationships. Thinking about how other girls touched him set my blood at a boil. 

"We ARE mates, but that doesn't mean I'm comfortable with you going through my stuff...okay? You can easily play around with women, but I don't like it when you treat me just like them!" 

Soren frowned, his eyes reflected in mine as we silently waited for the other to respond. 

"I don't play around-- I confess to a few things but I would never take you not seriously. You are now important to me you got that?" He grabbed my arm and placed his other hand on my face rubbing my cheekbone with his thumb.  "I would never hurt you" He said in a serious tone. All my previous insecurities drained as I observed the new creases on his face. "Do you understand? I want you to be happy."

His voice was serious. He was serious. There was no lie in his words and I was surprised by his sudden change of demur. 

"Thank you." I said barely a whisper.

Taking my hand and intertwining our fingers together, Soren dipped down to give me a brushed kiss on the lips. My stomach fluttered and my hunger increased, not for food but for him. It was all so foreign to me, but I liked the new experience. Unfortunately the stimulation was making me weak in the knees.

"I wish you'd kiss me back. I feel like it's only me in this relationship" He smirked, pointing at his bottom lip urging me to kiss him.

"Maybe next time" I said shyly.

Sighing, Soren mumbled, "I liked you better when you were mad at me"

I elbowed him in the rib, "Don't be rude" I hissed.

"That's the Peyton we know and love!" He smiled, clutching the side I hit.

Opening the door, I didn't expect my sisters to be standing with astonished expressions in their faces. I groaned as their eyes traveled to Soren and mine hands holding each other.

"I knew it!" Jackie squealed.

"I would have never expected this" Tay said as she continued brushing her teeth in the hallway in front of my bedroom door.

"I don't see pigs flying" Ash said, making Sam snort.

"Can you guys stop looking at us like some freak show?" I frowned knowing this was all fun and games to them.

"You two are a freak show." Sam said and I glared at her. So did Soren. "So you two are...

I began to speak. "We're...

"Mates" Soren finished. "Isn't this obvious?" He held our hands up showing them our supposed relationship status. At that instant, I remembered the times my sisters brought guys' home stating they were their proclaimed mates. Now that I was in their position, it felt surreal.

"Mom and dad already told us. I just had to hear it coming out of your mouth" Sam replied. "Well, at least we know Peyton won't grow old and wrinkled alone."

"Welcome to the family" Tay said giving Soren a high-five. "Guess that means our pack will have to sign another peace treaty with your dad's pack right? Just like the Redwood pack when Alex announced her mating" Tay looked at both Sam and i.

"You will be moving into my pack." Soren said to me.

"WHAT" I forgot all about that. I was his mate, he was the son of an Alpha—a powerful one at that and I would be his pack's future Alpha female!

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