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    Hope you guys like this! It's my first story, so please tell me what you think!


       I am Evangaline, the weirdly beatiful girl who no one can touch it seems. I have secrets like everyone else, but mine are abit more deep let's say. Don't be afraid of me, I wont bite... kind of. My secret well it's going to be unraveld. Right. Now. I am a vampire, but no one can know. I try to appear as normal as I can.

My routine, it's complicated. I have to file my fangs down every two and a half hours (Yes I have that to a science), shape my dainty pointed fingers every morning, cut mye sharp nails every hour, dye my striking platinum blonde wavy hair to a golden brown hair that everyone envys every week, and remember to keep my cold watchful colorless eyes off of people when they're looking at me. All of that just to keep myself looking almost human, but there are my strikingly beautiful looks and whimsicly long arms and legs, plus my old style clothes (from the 1800's). My bestfriend Viloet, and I live together in a big empty house in the heart of the woods, that's eight towns away from the school we go to. She's the only other one that knows what I am, because she's also 'different' like me. She's completely made of porcilen, think of those old china dolls every one kept safe because they were so fragile. That's what she is, well a much bigger version. She's still fragile but not so much as to where she takes a step and cracks though. But let's see my story unravel...


I wake up straight up, looking at the clock I have about an hour. I know I can get what I need done by then, I walk down stairs to Violet in the kitchen. "Why didn't you wake me up? Why was my alarm off?" I asked sounding very confused.

"Eve, can't you remember anything silly fool. You were what seemed like drunk last night, so I figured you'd have a hangover today and skip school." She said and laughed.

"Violet don't be silly! You KNOW I can't get hungover! Plus why would I skip?" I asked pouring myself some 'My Juice'. Then sat down, shaking the small glass around the stupid cow blood always gets cloated.

"I don't know, I mean why wouldn't you?" She asked going over to a mirror to paint her eyes, lips and cheeks. "What color should I do today?" She asked looking through her paints.

"I think one a light purple and the other a suttle green. It'll really contrast with the outfit we found yeserday." I said, in one of the footlockers we found a lacey white blouse, black silk pants, and laceup in the calf boots. It looked amazing on her so she decided to wear it today.

"Okay!" She said painting her eyes, then her lips a bright red and her cheeks a faint peach. "To school then? Oh wait you look like a mess!" She said and pulled me upstairs, making me drop my drink.

"My drink! You just ruined my day!" I said letting her pull me.

"Suck it up! Not litterally that'd be disgusting. But you'll live, we'll get you some coffee. But first I'm going to pick out your sexy outfit and you're going to get ready!" She said in a damading voice and pulled me into my room. I got up and went into the bathroom to file, cut and shape.

A half-hour later I came out finished in the bathroom and sporting the outfit Violet picked out for me. A black corset with deep red lacing around it with long soulder sleeves that cut at the bottum at an angle, black velvet pants and lace up heels.

Violet whistled, "Daaamn giiiirrrrl you look HOT, am I stylish or what?" She asked rolling her toung and grinning, I in return rolled my eyes and she asked me to pose so I did. "Beautiful, if only I had a camera."

"Yeah yeah, we'll take a photo later. Now can we get to school?" I asked her, I perfered being on time (which meant early) and it was a long drive to school. She pouted, and whined.

"Noooo must we go? I would find it much more pleasurable if we skipped!" She said mocking the way I spoke, damned girl is only a century or so old.

"Yes, we must go." I said in a motherly voice, I've masterd with her.

"Fine." She said in a huff and pouted more.

I picked up my bag as well as hers, "Oh and don't pout, it's HIGHLY unattractive." I said in a mocking voice before grabbing her sleek arm and pulling her out to my sports car.

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