Michael x Rich

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Thx for commenting Explicitely_Absurd &
(After Squip)
~Michael's POV~
"Hey Michael" Jeremy said over the phone.
"Have you heard of this new app it's like a bunch of chat rooms it's really cool" he told me.
"No...what's the name of it" I asked.
"ITchats" he said.
"Um ok I'm downloading it now" I told him.
"Hey I got to go call you later" he said.
It said create a username. "Hmm" I said. So I typed in 'GayAF'. I had to set up a profile. My bio: I love Bob Marley and Weezer. I'm unbelievably Gay and finally I'm a geek, get used to it.
Next a profile picture. So I set it to a picture of a slushee cause I have a problem. I was finally done. Someone invited me to a chat. The username
was Mtn.DewRedIsMyFren.

Mtn.DewRedIsMyFren: hey Michael. It's Jeremy
GayAF: how did you know it was me?
Mtn.DewRedIsMyFren: I read your bio. Anyway now that you're on the app now try talking to someone.

So I found someone named BabyBi_Bi_Bi I invited him to chat.
GayAF: heeey how's it hanging?
BabyBi_Bi_Bi: nothing much just got out of the gym
GayAF: you work out?
BabyBi_Bi_Bi: yeah all the time, hey you got a story? I'm real bored.
GayAF: once I got really high and ate a skittle so I started screeching I TASTED THE RAINBOW, I HAVE BECOME THS RAINBOW, I AM THE RAINBOW"
BabyBi_Bi_Bi: i approve this message
GayAF: haha, well I gtg maybe we can talk another time.
BabyBi_Bi_Bi: yeah I'd like that

A few weeks later we were still talking and decided to meet up. IN A PUBLIC PLACE. We met up at a 7/11 so I could get a slushee. I drove there and texted him.

GayAF: I'll be sitting outside most likely with a slushee in hand.
BabyBi_Bi_Bi: see ya there!

I sat on the curb of the side walk taking a sip of my slushee. I saw rich start to walk in to the store. He stopped when he saw me. "Michael?!?" He said surprised.
   "What, what i do?" I asked.
  "You're GayAF?" He asked.
      "Um yeah I mean have you met me?"
  "No I mean I'm BabyBi_Bi_Bi" he replied.
"Oh...wow" I said. I thought I recognized the way he talked. Honestly I've always found rich cute. I've never been able to have a actual conversation with him. I liked how close we were.
"Can I just- can I- rich I wanna talk to you for real. Not over a phone. I like talking to you a lot. I like that we could have a real conversation" I said.
"I have a confethion for you michael, now that I've actually talked to you, I would love to hang out with you more like...a date?"
"Wait woah, really?" I asked.
"Really, but firth..." he said right before his lips were pressed onto mine. It caught me by surprise but I sank into the kiss. My eyes closed and I wrapped my arms around his waist he wrapped his around my neck. We broke the kiss.
"See ya later, maybe at my house tonight? Text me" he said with a wink.

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