Chapter 2: Everything Has Changed

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Sigyn sat at the high table next to her mother. On their way to the palace Freya had told her of her plan to secure her a suitor, and how that was the only reason Freya had invited her along. After hearing all that, Sigyn's excitement had completely vanished. And now she wanted nothing more than to just return home. She felt stupid for thinking that Freya had invited her out of kindness, and she should have guessed that there was more to it. Freya never did anything out of love.

Sigyn was determined not let her mother ruin the entire visit, or at least the evening, on her. Now she sat there, pushing food around her plate and listening to her mother's endless chatter. Hoping for a little excitement.

It had been a century since her last trip to the palace. Stuck in Noatun, Sigyn had accepted early on that she would probably never see Prince Loki again. She had tried not to let it bother her, but she began to resent the monotonous, boring life she had at Noatun. So when her mother had finally returned to Asgard, she had jumped at the goddess's invitation to join her at the feast. She had packed all her nicest gowns as fast as she could before donning the finest, and joining Freya in the carriage that was waiting outside.


When Loki entered the hall, he could not believe his eyes. At first he had thought he was dreaming, that it was in no way real. But there she was, sitting at the high table to the left of the goddess Freya - Lady Sigyn. A hundred years had passed since he had last seen her, and she had changed greatly in that time, but there was no mistaking her. Her face was no longer babyish and round, now it was more angled, yet still soft. Her body, once thin and gangly was now soft and curvy. And her hair had darkened from it's pale yellow, to a more honey-and-sunlight colour.

Loki had not realized he had stopped dead until his brother came to stand beside him.

"Something catch your eye, brother?" Thor asked, following Loki's gaze to where it lay on Sigyn.

"I would not waste my time," Thor said.

"What do you mean?" Loki asked.

"I mean that that's the Lady Sigyn, the fairest of Freya's daughters. Or so they say. They also say that Freya has brought the beauty with her in hopes of securing a suitor." He told his younger brother.

"A suitor, you say?" He asked Thor, curious.

"Do not get your hopes up, brother. Freya has already chosen a man she deems worthy enough enough for her daughter. Theoric, I believe his name is." Thor told him.

Loki's mind was wheeling.

"He's a mere guard. Surely Freya would change her mind if a better offer were to reveal itself to her," Loki said.

"And do you plan on making that offer?" Thor asked, laughing and clapping Loki on the shoulder.

Could he make that offer and ask for her hand? Freya could not object to that. Who better for an exiled Vanir princess than the second best Aesir prince? Loki quickly shook his head at that thought. What was he thinking? He didn't even know the girl. He had only met her once, and that was an entire century previous. Yet, he hadn't forgotten her, had barely kept her out of his thoughts, and had not taken his eyes off her the entire time that he and Thor spoke.

"That I have yet to decide," he found himself saying.

At that moment, Sigyn looked up from her plate. Loki watched as she scanned the room as if she knew someone was watching her, until her eyes fell on him by the door. He met her gaze and nodded before she had the chance to look away. He saw her blush and look down at her plate before he turned and left the hall.


Sigyn had looked back up just in time to watch Loki walk out of the hall. When he had met her gaze, her heart rate had sped up significantly. Then he had nodded at her and she felt heat flood her cheeks. That nod could have meant anything and everything. It could mean that he did remember her, and that maybe, just maybe, he had wanted her to follow him. The only way to find out was to do exactly that. so she did.

The Marriage of Loki and Sigyn by MorganLeFay   Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora