Chapter 6: Eternal Lovers... About Dang Time

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      I folded the parchment into a little square, sliding it next to me to Draco. I kept stirring as if nothing had happened. From the corner of my eye, I saw Draco unfold and read the note, a small......... smile coming to his face? Maybe it wasn't a good kind of smile. Maybe he was planning on hurting me again or something..... I don't know. The potion bubbled and gurgled, making me wish Snape would just dismiss the class already. 

      My wish came true.

      "Class is dismissed," Snape called out, addressing the students. Everyone raced to the door, except Malfoy.

      "You go, Roberts. I'll clean up," he offered. Ugh, just like last time. I didn't even bother to object so I packed up my stuff and ran down the hall back to the common room. Eleven o'clock couldn't come fast enough.

      I wanted to go and see Moose, but Madame Pomfrey wouldn't allow me in. Luna was in already, and it was past the "visiting" hours anyway. Giving up, I stomp back to my room, plopping myself down on my bed, starring mindlessly at my clock for the next few hours.






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