Chapter 11: the train part 2

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Dustin POV

Holy Buckets Of Cheese was that WILL!?!? Well that was easy. Wait a second he ran behind a desk he's hiding ****!

"Jonathan." I said trying to get his attention.

"Just a minute Dustin where trying to figure out where Will could be." He said.

"Ok geez I just-"

"DUSTIN CAN YOU BE QUIET FOR ONE MINUTE?!" Lucas yelled causing every to look at us.

"Alright." I said they all looked at each other agin and started talking.

I walked over to where I saw Will and ducked down and covered his mouth.

"Don't scream when I let go I'm gonna check see if it's clear if it's clear I'll count to 3 and then we run when I say go." I whispered to him. He nodded and grabbed something. I let go and looked at the group they didn't even know I was gone those jerks.

"1.....2......3......go"I said and we ran. He knew where he wanted to go so I followed. We stopped after running for awhile.

"Where....are....we.....going and......when get" I asked out of breath. He laughed a little.

"Lets.......just say......I......did a lot......of running." He said equally as out of breath. A few minutes later we where good.

"Where are we going anyways?" I asked he looked at me for a second thinking.

"I don't know." He said I looked around for a moment at my surroundings. "Why are we in the woods?" I asked him confused.

"It's the best out of sight place I could think of when you said go." He explained.

                Lucas POV

$&@$!&&) where is Dustin god why did we get so mad at him. Oh yeah now I remember. (I have nothing against Lucas he was just the first one that came to mind for this)

On the phone

Nancy, Jonathan, Will, Dustin, Lucas, Mike, Steve, and Eleven have all been added to a group chat by ???

??? Has locked all into the group chat

Dustin: WHAT

Will: IS


  ??? Has turned off all locations

Mike: Who are you?!

Eleven: ****

Nancy: ELEVEN!!!

Mike: sorry, that's on me.

Lucas : now say ****

Jonathan: LUCAS

Eleven: ****

Lucas : good job Eleven

Mike: Lucas could you stop teaching her how to cuss

If we had phones (Stranger thing texting)Where stories live. Discover now