
13 1 0

warning bad language in this chapter

Nk pov

Haw want to attack me but I dodge and nocked her out dark hits me on my eye and I fell to the ground and hold my eye I than but my hand down and saw blood he gave me a scar "u are fucking asking for it" I say he looks almost scared I than punch I'm in the stomach and elbow him in the back and he goes out cold "who's next" I say looking at my sister she attacks me and hits my stomach I thank she Brock my bone I then bunch her in the head than scratch her in the eye and by her mouth leaving scars she falls on her knees I grave my sword and walk to nightmare than I look over my shoulder and see poor miky cover in his blood and in pain his eyes filed whith sadness I than look back at my sister " you deserve to die for what u did nightmare alos feras eny last word before I end you" I say she stays silent "ok" I say than raise my sword and staped her I wiped her blood off my face and turn to miky and walk to him he looked scared I kneel down and reached my hand out to him he shivers and try to back away " I promise I won't hert u" I say and untie him than I untie his friends than I heard a click I turn around dark is dead and haw has a gun pointing at miky I than shove him out the way and everything goes black

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