Ben and Kenz

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"Love dictates, but a kiss writes the secrets of a heart"

After school, I went straight to the computer at home. I printed out flyers to post all over the school. Kenz and I had already talked to a teacher who would let us use their room after school. We also consulted the principal about it, and she said that it would be a great way to fundraise money for the school to get the new band room it's been needing. So after printing out some pretty creative flyers, I went to the craft store.

I usually don't like going to the craft store, mostly because it smelled like old lady and scented pinecones. Another is because the store is SO BIG and nothing was in the same place. I followed my store senses to a big wall in the back with all the fabrics. I had already picked up a mask, I just needed to figure out how to cover it.

Hmm... That red satin looked hot. Oh! I'm gonna cover it with this black lace! Hot! Now, for the cape... That black would make a great cape! Not only that, but it would go perfectly with the red dress I had bought to become Miss Cupid. 

Don't ask me how Miss Cupid got to be my name, Kenz thought it up and she thought she was hot stuff. 

After purchasing the mask and the fabric, I went over to Kenz's house so we could put together the costume. 

"So, where are we hididng it?" She asked.

"Hiding what?" I asked her, gluing the first part of the satin to the mask. 

"The costume! You have to be completely confidential! You can't change in the bathroom, I mean, because you go in there as you, and you come out as Miss Cupid, umm.... No surprise, you are Miss Cupid. You're telling me you haven't thought about this?" She asked

"No, we started this like three months ago."

"Exactly! Haven't you been doing any backup research?" She asked 

"Yeah, but I didn't even know that we would be using the costume." I said.

"Okay. Well... What about keeping it in the room?" 

"No we can't do that, there is no storage place there." I said

"I'm really stumped." She said.

We continued to cut the fabric for the cloak. 

"THE ART ROOM!" We both shouted.

The art room was in a seperate building from the high school, and it's so big that someone could easily slip in after school and not see anyone, then walk out with a crowd and just walk back into the school like a brand new person. It was the perfect place to hide a costume with all it's nooks and crannies. 

The next day, we dropped the costume in a costume bag in a cubby with lock on it. We both wore a key on our bracelets in case we ever needed to get it out.

This was it. This was the day it would start.

The faculty put up signs all over last night, and the whole school was buzzing about it.

"Hey, have you heard about Miss Cupid yet?" Someone said

"Oh yeah, shes supposed to be great. I hear she's already set up 15 couples." 

By the end of the day, the rumors had escalated. And I guess people were going to start lining up almost immediately after school. The last period, I went to the art room with Kenz who decided to be Miss Cupid's assistant and dress in pink. We got changed and went into the school where there was a line to the door as long as my house was wide.

"Holy Cow." I said. I quickly put my hood up over my hair and went past all of the waiting teens. The fee was five dollars, and everyone had found a way to squeeze the money out of friends, lunch accounts, and through a friend of a friend.

I sat down at my desk. The teacher had really done this up. He had put up black curtains everywhere, covered the desk with a soft fabric and put a crystal ball on it that lit up. It was perfect. 

"Send in the first victim!" I said to Kenz. She opened the door and collected the five dollars. It was Benjamin Fields, rumor was that he was going to be chosen as the football team captain for next year. Who would have thought that he would be my first costumer? 

"Hey, Miss Cupid, I have myself an issue."

"Sit down," I said, gesturing to the chair.

"What is your problem?" I asked 

"Well, I really like this girl, but she doesn't even know I exist. Not only that, but she thinks that I'm with Rebecca. I also need to tell Rebecca to get off, we aren't dating and she needs to stop trying to claim me." 

"My aren't you in a pickle." I said. "What you should do, is you should tell this girl how you feel. Not on the first date of course, but just start out by saying hi. Give her your number, serenade her over text. As for Rebecca, let her know gently that you two aren't together and that she needs to back off. Let her know that it's not gonna happen. I mean, it's not, right?" I say

He shakes his head.

"If she comes in here, will you ask her her opinion of me?" He asks

"I will do what I can. What's her name?"

"Mackenzie. Kenz Clare."

Kenz turns her head sharply, and I try to ignore her.

"I'll see if I can let you know some time soon. I hope I've been helpful."

"You have, thanks so much Miss Cupid!" He says, he ran out of the room

"What are you gonna do?" I ask her.

"DATE HIM! Oh my gosh! What am I even going to do? This is so exciting!" She squeeled. 

"You can't let him know you know." I said.

"Got it! No problem!" She said.


hey guys, this story is brand new for me, just wanted to know your opinions. Please comment. I gotta know.

Also, what are some questions you have? Also, do you need advice? Because, if you do, I will put you in as a character and try to solve your problem----no charge! Haha, so please comment, I'm running out of issues.



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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2012 ⏰

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