All these emotions

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At latto's house

Living room

Living room

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Key p.ov 

So I know realize that my feelings for dee are real. She seems like an awesome girl and I really do hope that she feels the same way. I don't wanna be a FB. I really wanna love her and hold her in my arms

J.I p.o.v

I still can't get my mind off Dee. She's so beautiful and her smile made my day. I am so in love with her and I hope she'll give me a chance to prove it to her

Mulatto: so dee are you dating anyone?

*all eyes are on dee at this point*

Dee: well uhh no 

Latto: why not I mean you drop dead gorgeous 

Dee: well every time I become emotionally comfortable with a guy, he either cheats on me or sometimes the only thing a guy would want is sex and I'm just not ready for that. And I've been called so many awful things that I just never open up to anyone anymore. So yeah

*Peach on the verge on crying*

Flaujae: peach what's wrong witchu now? I swear sometimes I think you pregnant the way you cry so much

Peach: it's sad okay

*everybody laughs except for peach*

Dee: it's okay peach I'm okay, okay?

Peach: okay.

*Door opens and its Nova, Nia and Mani from Mc Donald's*

Mulatto p.o.v 

Babbby!!!!! I shouted to mani. I missed him so much even though I saw him like less than 20 minutes ago. I ran up to him to give him a huge hug. I almost made him drop the food.

Mani: hey babe, can I just put the food down first, I say and everyone laughs

Mulatto: yeah yeah yeah

Key: aye bring the damn food I'm about to suffer from starvation or as I like to call it food-dyhydration.

*skip to after everyone eats*

Nova: damn dee you finished all the chips with key 

Dee: we from Baltimore, what do you expect?

Nova p.o.v

Okay so now that everyone is done eating I wanna tell dee how I feel

Nova: Dee can you please come help me get the drinks in the kitchen

Dee: sure

Nova(in a low voice): so dee I have this place I wanna go to on Saturday 

, would you like to come?

Dee: oh sure I would. Diamond Barmer you better not be blushing

Dee p.o.v 

Oh gosh I'm so nervous. Nia told me to stay away from nova but here I am agreeing to go with him to this mystery place. It's not like I'm scared of's just that I don't want no drama.

Nia p.o.v

Why would Nova ask dee when he could've asked mani or key I mean does he like her? No Nia you over exaggerating he love me and only me right?

Key p.o.v 

Before I express my feelings to dee, I need clarity. So I've decided that I'm gonna go talk to J.I about this to be sure.

Key: Yo J, balcony now!

*at balcony*



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J.I: wassup bro

Key: so uh I think I have strong feelings for dee and I don't know if I should tell her because I don't know if she will feel the same

J.I: what! No no no I have feelings for dee mahn key why you always gotta like the girls I like. I know I've been a FB but I feel real feelings for her mahn fuck outta here

Meanwhile in the living room 

Roscoe: guys can you hear all the screaming

Peach: yeah do you think it's Key and J 

*all run to the balcony to see key chocking J.I*

Dee p.o.v

We all run to the balcony to see Key chocking J.I. I run in the middle of them and some how I end up hanging on the edge of the balcony and everyone is screaming. I saw my life flash before my eyes and before I knew it I couldn't hold on anymore and I slipped and.......

Sorry for the cliffhanger but I like keeping y'all on your toes

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