Gives You Hell

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Ok so I guess I should warn you about cussing. So... yeah there is cussing don't like it don't read it.

Spencer's Pov:

I was on my way to Toby's to surprise him. It is our anniversary after all. Once I got to the loft I just decided to just let myself in because Toby won't be home until later tonight.

While I was waiting on Toby I decided to make a romantic dinner for the two of us. I was about half way done when I hear the door slam open and giggling coming from the front door. I turn the corner and see Toby pinning a random hoe against the wall. I automatically say the first thing that comes to my mind.

"WHAT THE HELL TOBY!?" I scream. He jumps up shocked.

"Spencer it's not what it looks like." He says coming closer to me.

"Oh so you weren't shoving your tongue down some random slut's throat." I say crossing my arms trying to hold back tears.

"Ok maybe it is what it looks like... But she means nothing to me." He says

"Umm excuse me we have been at this for months and I mean nothing to you?" The slut speaks up.

"Can you shut the hell up." He hisses at her. "Spencer baby..."

"Toby don't I've heard enough." I say grabbing my purse. "Do not try to contact me Toby we are through. I'm done." I say slamming the door on the way out. I ran to my car and drove to the only place I want to be right now, The Montgomery Household.

Once I arrive at Aria's I immediately knock on the door with tears pouring down my face. After about three knocks Aria opens the door with a smile that immediately fades away once she sees me. She pulls me inside holding me in her arms while I cry. Once we made it to the couch she pulls away slightly.

"What's wrong Spence? Who do I have to beat up?" She ask half joking. Causing me to chuckle a little bit at the thought of Aria beating up Toby.

"Toby... I caught him with another woman." I sobbed.

"What an asshole! I'm going over there to show him a piece of my mind." She said shooting up from her seat but I grab her wrist and stop her from going.

"Stay please." I say and she sighs and sits back down wrapping her arms around her arms around me.

"That doesn't mean I'm not going to beat his ass later." She says and I giggle. We sat there for about thirty minutes before I couldn't cry anymore. She had called Hanna and Emily so they were over too.

"I have an idea!" Hanna exclaimed.

"Oh no Hanna has an idea." Emily said earning her a slap on the arm.

"Anyway... How about we go have fun. We can go to this new bar across town?" She ask.

"I'm not sure Spencer needs to go drinking right now Han." Aria speaks up.

"No I want to go. It will be fun." I said

"Spence it's not a good idea..." Emily tried to reason.

"No I'm going with or without you." I said getting up and walking to my car and driving home to put on something presentable. After about twenty minutes I was ready and the girls were waiting outside.

When we got to the bar Hanna and I immediately ordered shots. After about five shots and two beers I was completely shit faced drunk.

Aria's Pov:

Spencer and Hanna were completely drunk. They were on top of tables dancing while a hole bunch of men surrounded them. It took a lot to get them off the table but once we did Hanna ran over to the karaoke machine and started singing/ slurring a cover of Brittney Spears Womanizer. While Spencer was trying to give me a lap dance. These events went on until I saw Toby walking into the bar.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I yell.

"I'm getting Spencer back." He states. Oh hell no... He tries to walk pass me to get to Spencer but I grab his wrist and punch in square in the nose.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" He ask falling backwards. Drawing all the attention to us. I look back at Spencer and she runs to the karaoke machine.

Spencer's Pov:

I was going to teach Toby a lesson. I turned on the mic...

"Hey I'm can I have everyone's attention?" I ask still slurring a little bit. Everyone turns there attention to me.

"Ok so you see that man right there." I point to Toby who is still holding his nose.

"He cheated on me on our anniversary." Everyone boos at Toby and some people throw their beers at him. "So I'm dedicating this song to you, Toby."

Toby's Pov:

I came to the bar to fix things with Spencer but obviously that is not going to work. So after Aria hit me I was going to leave but Spencer came up to the mic so I sat down.

"You see that man right there." She starts pointing at me.

"He cheated on me on our anniversary." She states. Crap I think to myself. I was getting up to leave because people were booing and throwing their drinks at me but a tall muscular man sat me back down.

"So I'm dedicating this song to you, Toby." She says and I sigh.

She starts to sing "Gives You Hell" by All American Rejects. I'm screwed.

"I wake up every evening.
With a big smile on my face.
And it never feels out of place.
And you're still probably working.
At a nine to five pace.
I wonder how bad that tastes." I slide down in my chair feeling embarrassed and guilty.

Aria's Pov:

"When you see my face
Hope it gives you hell
Hope it gives you hell
When you walk my way
Hope it gives you hell
Hope it gives you hell"

"This couldn't get any better." I chuckle and pull out my phone and start video taping Spencer singing and embarrassing Toby while the crowd sings with her. I couldn't be prouder than I am right now. She stood up to Toby in the most comical way possible.

Once the song was over Toby immediately ran out of the bar and I couldn't stop laughing.

Spencer's Pov:

I got off of the stage feeling better and powerful. I ran over to Hanna, Emily, and Aria that were still laughing.

"Oh my God Spence that was Badass!" Hanna exclaimed laughing and I giggled.

"I am so proud of you Spence." Aria says giving me a hug.

"Ok let's go back to my place because my mom is out of town and I'm pretty sure you both don't want to go home like that." Emily says pointing at Hanna and I.

The drive back to Emily's was full of laughter and smiles. When we got to Emily's we continued the rest of the night watching movies, eating popcorn, and laughing.

General Pov:

No one spoke about Toby other than about Spencer standing up to Toby at the bar. Spencer hasn't seen or heard from him since and she plans to keep it that way.

Ok I know that sucked but go easy on me it was my first one shot. Writing really isn't that easy 😂😂😂.

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