Rhose's Special: Part 3

Start from the beginning

Its really not that much to ask is it? She ran her hand over the rough bark of an old hickory deep in thought, Is too much to want to ask, really?

“Nevaeh!” Rhose’s heavy footsteps could be heard but the giant himself was not seen. A blush of embarrassment filled Navie’s cheeks, What does he want?

Finally he came into view, a large raspberry bush had managed to grow tall enough to hide his presence. His hair had fallen free of his hair tie and his deep brown eyes were frantic with worry, until they settled on her. Without a word he wrapped his arms around her and held her to him.

Too stunned to move Navie remained still, “Rhose?”

“I’m so sorry, for being an idiot. Can you forgive me?” His breath ruffled the unruly curls on the top of her head.

“What for?”

He pulled back to look down into her eyes, “I love you, I was just too stupid to say anything.”

A riot of emotions flooded Nevaeh, had she not just wished for him to say something like this? Yet, anger and hurt, rode quickly on the heels of her joy at his words. She pushed him away, “What about your wife?”


“Yes, wife!” She snapped, “I can’t believe you…I thought you were an alright person, but here you go saying you love me when you have a wife and kid!” Her voice had risen to a screech by the time she finished her tirade. “I-” Rhose’s finger on her lips, silenced her.

His eyes were kind and sad, “I have no wife, and Kat is merely my adopted daughter. Sarina is her daughter.”

Navie glared at him, and slapped his hand away, “That’s not possible, you’re not old enough for her to be your daughter, adopted or not.”

A haunted look entered his eyes, the brown depths showing nothing, “I…Navie, I’m not human.” She opened her mouth to argue, and he shook his head, “Please allow me to finish…or rather it would be easier to show you.”

The brown flashed to red, and black scrollwork seemed to flow across his skin as a fog of power surrounded them. Navie watched with horror as his canine teeth lengthened to points, fangs, and a set of black armor, horned and dripping with blood covered his body.

She took a step back, her feet catching on an exposed root of the old tree, tripping her. He took a step towards her and she shut her eyes tightly, terrified over what he would to her. She felt his hand hesitate beside her cheek for an instant before gently cupping her cheek for a moment. “I am sorry Nevaeh.”

And then he was gone.

Nevaeh sat up slowly, her emotions still in a muddle. Between feeling a sense of loneliness and guilt, images of Rhose and the children, Rhose, smiling at her, Rhose, breaking through the bushes in the early morning calling her name in greeting.

My god what have I done? She stood hurriedly, her anxiety showing in her jerky movements, I…am such a fool, he was showing me his true self, trusting me, and I act like a fool. She stripped off her shoes, throwing away the cloth slippers that would only impede her as she ran.

The forest floor flew beneath her feet as she ran, she knew where he was. He was at the cottage, he wouldn’t leave without saying goodbye to the children, if she hurried she could catch him, and never let him go again. A wolf’s fevered howl, sounded from her right. Navaeh saw the grey and brown shape leap an instant before her foot caught in a rabbit’s hole, sending her sprawling.

Navie looked up into the eyes of the feral animal; all traces of fear had been erased in its golden eyes, leaving a blank insanity behind. Saliva dripped from its maw, and from this distance Navie could see where other animals had tried to put it down and failed, large chunks of fur were missing and there were several places where wounds still bled across its back.

It snarled and sprang forward. Navie screamed and closed her eyes waiting for the feeling of the wolf’s jaws and claws to tear into her. When the pain she felt was not forthcoming she opened her eyes and looked up to see Rhose, still in his demon armor, standing before her, the wolf lifeless at his feet.

Her mouth suddenly dry she tried to stand, only to fall again when a sharp pain in her ankle sent her back to her knees.

Without a word and without looking at her Rhose picked her up, and began carrying her back towards the hut.

“Rhose?” The only response she got was a noncommittal grunt that made Navie’s heart ache. “I’m sorry.” She whispered, snuggling closer to his chest. “I shouldn’t have acted like I did…you have to admit though that was a bit of a big surprise to drop on someone though.” She glanced up at his face for any sign that her words reached him, when she saw nothing she felt her temper flare in irritation.

“Stop.” He looked down at her with surprise and did as she bid. That’s more like it. “You said you loved me correct? Then allow me to give you my reply.” She pushed herself up in his arms and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. After that she pulled away, a smile on her face, “I love you to Rhose, but…you need to know that I am human and you can’t drop such a huge bomb on me like that and not expect a response. I may need a little time to digest some things.”

He blinked at her for a moment before hugging her tightly to his chest, and buried his face in her hair. “You are one of a kind.” He whispered.

She laughed, “Of course I am, the mismatched eyes weren’t a clue?”


The Final Chapter!->

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