Prologue: Part One

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Once upon a time,

There was a boy. A boy who was six years old. A boy who was abandoned. Deserted. Alone. He was broken. He was missing parts of him that shouldn't be. He wasn't a normal child. His clothing were old, dirty and worn out. He had a thin, pale blue shirt on with ripped up sweatpants on. He was alone. On the street. Crying. Curled up in a ball. His sobbing was quiet, no one passing by could hear him. He was alone. He had scratches all over his torso and arm, rope burns on his wrists, cuts on his cheeks. He. Was. Alone... Right? He had no hope. No faith. Nothing. He... Was... A.. Lone.....?

"Hello?" Called out a little girl. She looked eight. She had long brown hair and big orange eyes. Her pale skin glimmered. She saw the boy look up. She smiled, a friendly smile, at him.

"Hello!" She said cheerfully. Her concerned expression faded and it turned into a warm smile.

"Hello." She said that last word. He was no longer alone.


Hello everyone! It's me! Chloe. So I hope you all enjoyed this first part of the prologue. The next part will be out tomorrow!

Credit to: Me and my dear friend Avery. Her and I wrote this together on the app TaleAStory. It's more of a beta version of this story. So if you'd like to read that, go to that app and check out the story Abandoned. Right now we're working on the third part to this. So...  Enjoy!

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