"That's where his parents and most of his family lives." I told her. "He wants me to meet them."

"Wow, that's awesome Morgan. That means he's getting really serious about this relationship with you." Kim said in excitement. "But Beverly hills though? That's usually where most of the celebrities and rich people live isn't it?"

"That's what I've always heard. As a matter of fact, LA is usually the home state of celebrities. Remember Hollywood?" I responded. "I guess his family has money too. From what he's told me, both his parents are retired doctors as well and most of his other family and relatives studied medicine as well so..."

"Girl, when you go let me know if you meet any celebs and don't forget to get autographs as well." Kim chuckled.

"Don't worry, I definitely will." I played along.

"And you have to give me the details of what his parents and relatives are like," Kim said to me. "I hope they're nothing like Cory's Mom. The lady is a witch. And I can't even let him know that's how I feel about his mom."

"Kim, I seriously hope they're not that bad. I know most parents- especially the mothers- around that age are often times extremely protective of their sons dating younger women but I just hope Sean's family accepts me. I really like him but I don't think I could continue this relationship with him if they don't like or accept me."

"Why not? I'm still with Cory aren't I?" Kim said to me.

"Yeah but you're much more determine and stronger than I am." I said to her. "If they're mean to me, I'm just the type to walk away because I couldn't keep quiet about their actions towards me and then it may cause a rift between them so I'd just walk away. You on the other hand, you are really good to not let Cory know what a pain his family is."

"Morgan, look I understand what you're saying but you have to look at it this way, good men like what you and I have are not easy to find. They are rare and when you do find someone who is like that, you've got to hold on to them. You have to fight for ways to keep your man, even if that means being quiet about how much you really hate his family and trying to compete against them to get most of his attention." Kim said to me. "Not because you like the guy means you have to like his family as well."

"Kim, see that's the difference between you and I, things like this just seems so easy to you. It's like it doesn't really bother you at all."

"Honestly, at first it bothered me but now... I actually don't give a shit anymore." Kim responded with a wave of her hand. "I'm dating Cory, not his mom. I don't care if she likes me or not. Besides, this is just my experience we're talking about here Morgan, Sean's family is probably nothing like that. You have nothing to worry about until you've met them. And still if it turns out that they're not as nice to you then you try to forget them and focus on you and Sean okay. No family is worth getting in the way of a good thing."


"Sean, don't tell me you've never gone grocery shopping before." I said to him as we pushed the trolley down the snacks aisle.

"I have, but I just haven't done it in a while. I have a maid-Joan- that comes by to clean and stuff. She's also the one who usually does the grocery shopping for me too. So I'm a little rusty when it comes on to it." Sean said as he grabbed a box of oatmeal cookies. "I used to come shopping with Christine sometimes."

"Oh, so you've never been back to a grocery store since?" I asked as we walked side by side pushing the trolley.

"No, this is my first time in four years." Sean smiled.

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