Chapter 2

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     Let me take you back to the day my life changed forever.


Waking up in the morning was always a struggle for me, I always wish that I could pause time just so I could sleep for an extra hour. The snooze button was always my best friend in the morning but my worst nightmare after I realized how late I was going to be. The only difference was this morning would be the day summer was over and it was time to resume college.

I was excited, nervous but most importantly tired as to go back as I finally dragged myself out of bed. I could practically hear coffee calling my name as I trudged downstairs to the cupboard where all my dreams come true. I flicked the kettle on and could see my horrific appearance reflecting in the kettle back at me.

"Why can't make up be permanent on my face?" I ask out loud to no one but myself.

I groan at myself waiting patiently for my coffee before looking at my phone which i automatically pick up wherever I go.

7:45. One hour to make myself look presentable

After finishing my Coffee, I tread into my front room where the Chaos of makeup lay before me. I apply everything I need making sure my red cheeks and freckles were completely non-existent in a layer of concealer and foundation and my eyelids were coated in a lilac-pink to match the ends of my hair- I'd decided to dye it before college to make me look out going and fun to hide my social incapability but it doesn't seem to work.

Who would have thought!

My outfit was simple. A pale pink jumper tucked into a black skirt with tights and black dolly shoes to match. I take one last brief look in the mirror and sigh because something just didn't seem right- My hair was loose over my shoulders but the curls didn't seem to satisfy the look I was going for, my bra- strap kept slipping off my shoulder no matter how tight I put the damn thing, I couldn't tell if my foundation looked too orange or even too pale for my skin.

Before I could continue observing myself my phone started to vibrate violently on the side and I run and pick it up quickly.

"Get in loser we're going shopping" A deep voice sounds through the phone I let out a low giggle and roll my eyes.

"Ty, are you really going to say that every time you pick me up? also I'm not sure if you remember but we are going college not shopping, unfortunately"

"You ruin all the fun Riv, c'mon we are waitinggg for youu" he sing songs the last bit and I shake my head and bite my lip as I walk hesitantly towards the door and hang up as I do so.

"C'mon Candyfloss we haven't got all day" Alex shouts as I struggle to lock the door behind me. I roll my eyes once again, my eye muscles are probably the most worked out part of my body with the amount of eye rolls I do.

"Yeah c'mon pinkie" Tyler joins in laughing. I stifle a laugh and swing around abruptly. "I told you guys its Lilac not pink" I say with a fake bitchy voice  pointing to my hair as well as clambering into the back seat with Alex.

"Whatever you say Flossy" Alex continues while I punch him in the arm before offering him a quick hug. As we pull away Alex shakes his head

"I can't believe I am associated with a guy who uses mean girl's quotes"

Tyler shoots him a quick glare through the front mirror. He lets out a over dramatic gasp and clutches his heart with one hand. "Alex James Shedden. Did you just assume that only girls can watch mean girls and therefore be the only form of creature to use their genius quotes!"

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