The Freemans

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This chappie is dedicated to Rabbit_x_Melody for this amazing suggestion 😆😁

Riley: What our money lookin like? 🤔

Jada: Why?

Huey: No Riley

Riley: No what?

Huey: I already know where youre going with this

Jada: I'm lost...

Huey: Riley wants to partake in Black Friday 😐😒

Riley: Come on, we don't ever go

Huey: For a variety of reasons

Jada: Yea.. Riley that doesn't sound like a good idea

Riley: Why not?

Huey: Cause the last time we went you fought a guy for taking the last Xbox One

Jada: And lost... 😓

Riley: Shut up! 😤

Huey: And you remember Jada sent 2 girls to the hospital because one thought she was gonna take the last LED fidget spinner??

Jada: That wasn't my fault 😭 she hit me first

Riley: And? We need stuff in the house and money tight round here

Jada: Huey also got arrested that day too 😓

Huey: That wasn't even my fault 😒

Jada: Huey you can't round house kick a security guard 😭

Huey: W.e 😒 we're still not going Riley

Riley: Mane y'all sum coons

Jada: For not letting you go to Black Friday? 🤔

Huey: That definitely makes us coons 😒

Riley: 🖕

Jada: Once again

Huey: We don't fuck with that incest type shit Riley 😒

Riley: Mane I'm putting myself up for adoption 😤🖕💯

Jada: 😂😂 Like anyone will adopt you

Riley: What's that supposed to mean?

Huey: Riley, no offense but you kinda suck

Jada: As a person 💯

Riley: Why y'all niggas always tag teaming me? You supposed to be on my side Jay 😭😭

Jada: I still love you Riley 🙃❤

Riley: 🖕

Huey: Plus you're not really an easy person to be around

Riley: What's that supposed to mean?

Jada: You can be... Difficult at times 😓

Riley: I ain't difficult

Jada: Well... 😓😓

Riley: How am I difficult? 😒

Huey: You argue about everything

Riley: No tf I don't

Jada: You're loud ALL the time.


Huey: And you're too extra 😒

Jada: You should sell newspapers with how extra you are 😓😂

Riley: Y'all stay saying something negative about me 😒😒

Jada: I mean, there are positives..

Huey: There are?

Jada: HUEY 😒😒 Yes, there are

Riley: Like what?

Jada: Riley is really caring 💯❤

Huey: When he wants to be

Jada: He's always there when we need him

Huey: Since when?

Riley: 😒

Jada: And he's down whenever we are ❤

Riley: Thanks lil sis ❤✊

Jada: Of course 🙃❤

Huey: W.e 😒

Jada: You bein a real hater rn Huey 🤔

Huey: Don't start 😒

Riley: So we're doing black Friday right?

Jada: .... I have no words

Huey: Why does he have to be so slow?

Riley: HEY STFU PUNK 😤😒💯

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