Natelmel 2

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The warriors stood, silent and unmoving, for several moments as the riders words took them by surprise, "In the name of the Herder," one of his men exclaimed.

"We have to do something!" Another called out.

"It's too late in the day to do anything now, go spend the time with your family, friends, and loved ones," Natelmel declared, while he motioned to several of his riders, "I know we have been away for such a long time. But I need you to find out about this other faction and their leader, anything and everything you can."

The group sighed loudly, but they nodded and rode out from the camp, while rest of the tired men and women made their way into the campgrounds. While the newest families find place to establish themselves in the Ran-nu crowded alcove. After seeing to his duties in the camp, Natelmel hastily made his way to his tent.

"Mmmm," He hummed, the smell of roasted kak and fresh bread emanated from the tent. As he pushed away the tent flaps, his young son sat quietly playing.

"Great Herder, He's huge!" Natelmel exclaimed. As the child heard his father, little 'Mun ran to him and stretched out his arms. Natelmel grabbed up his son, then pulled the child tight into his chest, since he had not seen 'Mun in so long.

"Hehehe DaDa. Stop it, you're squishing me." little 'Mun cried out.

"He's not the only one who's grown, my shepherd," Jethaa stated as she held up two little babes, gently cooing as they slept in her arms, "Come say hello to your new son and daughter."

"Ohh, come on Mun, let's say hello to the nurslings," he said lifting 'Mun into the air and bringing him down in front of Jethaa. He then gently picked up the babes and cradled them to his chest. The two children cried out for a few moments then calmed, as Natelmel tenderly rocked them up and down.

"Dada loves you," he whispered, then mouthed to Jethaa, "What are their names."

"Her name is Natelstel and his is Natelmaa," she whispered backed, meanwhile 'Mun grabbed at his leg, "Come on dada, play with me!"

"Ah my children, I love you so much," he said, squeezing the babes one last time before returning them to Jethaa's arms.

"ALRIGHT! Dada's gonna get you!" Natelmel taunted and started to chase his son.

"AAHH!!" little 'Mun screamed and ran away.

"Hehe," Jethaa laughed at the sight as she gently rocked the two nurslings. As the night passed, little 'Mun slowly grew tired and eventually fell into his bed.

"Now do you have time to play with me, my shepherd?" Jethaa asked with a coy smile as she slid her hand into Natelmel's lap.

Days passed into weeks as the Ran-nu settled into camp and Natelmel enjoyed his family life, then one night his scouts returned to the camp with news.

"My Chief, we've travelled all across the mountains to find information, as you commanded," one of the scouts reported, his face marred by a fresh scar across his right cheek and eyebrow.

"We found mostly empty camps, several among them were burned out and left with the traces of the dead."

"I see..." he swallowed his shock at the news then quickly recovered and continued, "and what of Odain or this other faction of Ran-nu. Did you find anything of them, Nunken?"

"Yes sir, we didn't have much to go on but we found several of their forces and followed them to a camp," the scout responded, "It's a little more than a week south of here in another alcove, the mountain barrier surrounding their camp is high and steep."

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