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Taron's P. O. V.
The paparazzi are everywhere! I come to Texas in the United States to do press for Eddie the Eagle and they have swarmed my plane! What is it with these people?! Absolute bonkers! My security team are around me as I walk to my cab from the runway of DFW airport. "Let's hurry up please.. these lights are giving me a headache", I tell my head of security, Jason, who is beside me with his hand on my back. "We are going as fast as we can... there's more paparazzi here since it's your first time to Texas, Taron.", he replied. I groaned in frustration until I bumped into someone, "hey! Watch it!", a female voice said. I look down and see a beautiful girl with brown hair and blue eyes who's accent is definitely Texan on the floor holding her ankle. "Oh lord, I am so sorry! Are you quite alright there love? Did your ankle twist or something?" I ask hurriedly as I bent down to check her ankle and see if she had any other injuries. "I'm fine.. I'm surprised it was my ankle and not my knee.. I think I just rolled it when I landed after you bumped me. Can you help me up?" She asked. "Of course!" I pull her up and watch her as she puts weight on her ankle and winces in pain and almost falls again. "Oh dear me! Please let me help you to your car! Jason, take my bags for me mate." I pass him my bags and swoop the girl in my arms and start walking to my cab. "Oh, I'm Taron.. Taron Egerton by the way." I smiled down at her. "Oh my god.. my celebrity crush is holding me" she replies blushing.. "I'm Lacey. Lacey Steele."

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