-chapter one-

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Pidge had her bag on her back and two boxes in her arms. She was in front of her dorm room and was having trouble hitting the door and looking over the boxes. She quickly kicked the door and stumbled back a bit. 

The door opened as a tall, olive skinned girl looked out with an annoyed look on her face. "Shiro I swe- Oh, who are you?" She asked in her British accent as she looked down at Pidge. 

"I'm your new roommate. My names Pidge." She said as she poked her head from the side of her boxes with a friendly smile. 

"I'm Allura. Come in before Shiro comes by and gets in, I swear, he is a pest." She said as she tugged Pidge in right when Shiro rounded the corner. Allura slammed the door shut not before flipping him off with a smile. 

Pidge fell on the floor as her boxes fell and one opened, her books spewing onto the floor. She heard a gasp and an apology, but, what she heard the most was laughing and then a quick smack sound. 

"OW." A male voice said. Pidge looked up embarrassed at two males sitting on a small couch on the back wall. She quickly got up and picked up the books, setting them back in the box.

She looked back at the couch with a glare in the guy that laughed direction. "My names Pidge." She greeted as she looked at the both of them. She was good at starting conversations. 

"What kind of a name is Pidge?" One asked. "Anyways, my names Lance, swim team champ." He boasted. 

"Fermare la tua mente stupida prima che dica qualcos'altro stupido. (Stop your stupid mind before it says something else stupid)." She said in Italian. Lance smirked.

"Thanks for the compliment." He smirked. Pidge looked at him in shook. 

"Lance, you are very dumb." She said. "My real name is Katie, but Pidge suits me better." She said as she sat on the empty bed that was hers. 

"I'm Keith. Lifter on the cheer squad." He said. Allura soon come over, she was busy arguing with Shiro through the door. 

Pidge looked at her. "Why is Shiro trying to come here? I told him not to do this." Pidge asked as she got up and started for the door. 

You know Shiro?" Allura asked. 

"Yes, and I also know your guys relationship, he never showed me pictures of you, saying I was gonna know you when I see you." She informed as she opened the door, and was soon tackled to the floor. 

Her stomach was on the ground as she started hitting the ground with her fist. "La mamma sente su questo. (Mama will hear about this)." Katie said as she flipped under Shiro and tried to push him off. 

Shiro quickly scrambled off and looked at her. " I was just trying to make sure you were safe." He huffed. Pidge rolled her eyes as she got up and dusted herself off. 

"Is this your sister?" Allura asked as she watched the two. Lance and Keith just watched with amused smiles on their faces. 

"Yep, isn't she adorable?" He asked as he picked her up and put her on his shoulder. 

"She is kinda cute." Lance said as he winked at her. Pidge eyes widened at his words. 

Shiro put Pidge down and walked over to Lance. "Lance run." Pidge said. Shiro has always been protective of her. 

Lance nodded as he somehow dived between Shiro's legs from the couch and ran for the door. He opened it and ran down the hallway, Shiro right on his tail. 

She covered her face with her hands, embarrassed. "I'm sorry." She said as she sat back on her bed. 


Later Keith went back to his dorm to find Lance and Allura was trying to get Pidge to go to bed. Allura wasn't able to sleep because of the laptops light in the dark room. 

Allura went to her bed, typed something on her phone and laid back down as she just watched the door. Pidge smiled as she went back to typing on her computer. She was finishing work she was to lazy to do during the day. 

She wasn't new to this college, she just had to switch dorms because her other roommate was a slut. She just never associated with Shiro's group before. Soon the door opened and a very tired Lance walked in. He yawned as he walked over to Pidge and unplugged the laptop form its charger and shut the laptop. 

"What are you doing?!" She asked Lance as she tried to take the laptop from him. He raised it above his head.

"Allura wanted me to take this from you so that you could both sleep." He said as he walked out and to his dorm. Pidge looked at Allura.

"I hate you." She said as she got in bed, she was already wearing pajama's. \

"Thanks." Allura said as she rolled on her side. 

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