I wake up the next morning at around 10am to Gavin sleeping soundly in front of me, me spooning him. I get up and brush my teeth before leaving a glass of water and some aspirin on the bedside table in case Gavin wakes up with a shit hangover. I go and make some coffee before starting on breakfast, deciding to make pancakes. As I take a sip of my coffee, waiting for the batter in the pan to cook, I hear footsteps coming down the hall.

"Morning boi." I say turning around and Gavin walks over, takes the mug out of my hand and takes a sip.
"Mornin love." He mumbles before taking another sip.
"Go ahead, drink my coffee." I say sarcastically and Gavin rolls his eyes.
"Thanks, boi." He says and I was absolutely going to take it back but then he kissed my cheek and smiled a thank you at me and I can't help but give in, especially since he has messy bed hair and he's wearing a pair of my joggers that are slightly too big for him and he's not wearing a shirt.

We sit and chat whilst eating the pancakes and as we're finishing up Gavins phone rings. He looks at the screen and smiles.
"Hey Geoff... not too bad, I didn't get that drunk so... I don't know... no I stayed at Micool's..." At this point Gavin starts blushing.
"Shut up." He mumbles and I can only imagine what Geoff is saying right now and the ideas he must have.
"Alright yeah... well I'm gonna need an hour or so... I don't know... I can ask... Alright gimme a sec." He says into the phone before turning to me.
"Geoff wants to know if you wanna go round for lunch since I gotta go pick up the kids anyway." He asks and I bite my lip nervously before nodding.
"Yeah sure, they're cool." I say and Gavin starts talking to Geoff again.
"Alright yeah he's coming, happy?... yeah I know... well we haven't actually..." Gavin trails off and I raise an eyebrow at him. He blushes and mumbles "we haven't actually made anything official yet." I roll my eyes at his embarrassment and he glares playfully at me.

Gavin hangs up the call with Geoff and we go and lounge on my sofa for a while. Gavin has his legs thrown over my lap and my hands are resting on his thigh to keep him there.
"So Gavin." I start and he looks from the tv screen to me.
"Yeah boi?"
"You wanna be my boyfriend?" I ask casually, still playing COD zombies and his mouth spreads into a smile.
"Of course. Why?" He asks and I chuckle, pausing the game to look at him.
"Well you told Geoff we haven't made anything official yet and I want you to be my boyfriend so why not." I explain and he grins.
"I want you to be my boyfriend too." He says and I kiss his smiling cheek.

We laze around for a while before we decide to go and get ready to go to Geoffs. Gavin showers while I clean up after breakfast and I lend him a t-shirt to put on and he gets dressed whilst I shower. We're both ready within half an hour, and are at Geoffs 20 minutes after we leave my flat. Gavin leads the way up the path to the front door and glances at me as he knocks.
"Don't be nervous, they like you." He says and I bite my lip.
"I can't help it, they're your family." I mumble as the door opens.
"Hi Gavin!" Millie says as Gavin smiles down at her.
"Hey kiddo." He says before following Millie into the kitchen. I follow behind him and he rolls his eyes and grabs my hand, making it so I'm walking next to him. We walk into the kitchen to see Olivia on Geoffs shoulders holding a toy light saber and Johnny holding another, both of them sword fighting. I smile as Gavin laughs, grabbing everyone's attention.
"Hey Guys." Griffon says, walking over and pulling both me and Gavin into a hug and when she lets go Gavin shoots me a small smile.


Griffon releases us from a hug and I smile at Michael, noticing he's relaxed slightly. Geoff puts Olivia down and the kids run into the garden whilst Geoff walks over.
"Alright. I'm meant to give you a speech about how you shouldn't fuck with Gavin or I'll kill you, but from what I heard, every single member of rooster teeth gave you some sort of warning. Ryans was my personal favourite, god that mans a psycho. So I won't warn you cause you already know that you do anything and you'll have my whole company out for your blood. Also I quite like you, you seem alright, Johnny thinks a lot of you and he's the hardest one to impress." Geoff says to Michael and I was not expecting that. I give him a smile as a thank you for not threatening him. Michael visibly relaxes and he no longer looks nervous.
"Alright, now that's done, do you want a drink?" Geoff asks us and I nod.
"Just a coke." I say and Michael nods.
"Same for me please." We both get our drinks and follow Geoff and Griffon into the garden. There's a buffet type setup on the table in the back garden, bowls of potato salad and crisps and salad, plates of chicken and ribs and sandwiches and sausage rolls are spread all across the table.
"This looks amazing guys." I say and Michael agrees. We sit at the table, Geoff at the head of the table, Olivia, Millie and Johnny on one side and Griffon, me and Michael on the other side. We all start eating and chatting happily and Geoff and Griffon ask Michael a lot of questions trying to get to know him and Michael is getting on with everyone and they all seem to like him.

Crushes and Denial (Mavin)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu