Chapter 3

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I wake up at 9am and go into the kitchen to see Johnny sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal.
"Morning buddy, you alright?" I ask and he nods.
"Yeah." He mumbles sadly and I shake my head, sitting opposite him.
"What is it? Talk to me." I say and he sighs.
"I hate American cereal." He says and I smile slightly.
"Yeah it sucks. I miss Weetabix." I say and Johnny pulls a disgusted face.
"Gross, I miss coco pops." He says and I sigh.
"But that's not all you miss from England, huh?" I say and he shakes his head, looking into his bowl of lucky charms.
"I miss Dan. And mum and dad. And Kieran and Lucas from next door. I just miss England." He says and I sigh, walking round to his side of the table and pulling him into a hug.
"I miss them too, kiddo. Dan can come and visit again and if you want we can go and visit mum and dads grave during the summer." I say and he nods.
"Thanks Gav."
"No problem buddy." I say before going to wake Olivia up.
"Hey, you feeling better today?" I ask and she nods sleepily.

We spend the day playing games and I help Johnny with his homework and at 4 we go to the cafe to meet the guys. Meg isn't working today so she's wearing a black skater skirt with a crop top and her blue hair is down and wavy. She looks amazing.
"Hey Turney." I smile and she looks up from her tea.
"Hey Gav. You look great." She says looking me up and down. I'm wearing black skinny jeans and a grey shirt, nothing too fancy, and my hair is a mess and I'm wearing my odd converses as usual.
"And you two look adorable." She says to Johnny and Olivia. Johnny is wearing skinny jeans and my achieve shirt and Olivia is wearing a white top and a dungaree skirt thing with some adorable little converses that match mine that Geoff got her for Christmas.
"You look incredible Turney." I say and she pretends to flick hair over her shoulder, not wanting to mess up her hair.
"Oh I know." She says and I chuckle. We sit down with her while we wait for Michael and after a few minutes he walks through the door to the cafe.
"Hey guys." I vaguely hear him say but I'm too focused on the way he looks to pay attention to the words he's saying. He's wearing black skinny jeans and a tight black shirt and his leather jacket and holy shit. I snap out of my staring when Meg announces that we should leave.

We climb into my car as it's easier that we all go together, Michael in the passenger seat and Meg in the back with Johnny and Olivia, and on the way to the cinema we discuss what to watch. Michael and I want to see the new Assassins creed film but Olivia, Meg and Johnny want to see Moana.
"How about this, You two go see Assassins creed and I take the demons to see Moana and we meet up when they're both done?" Meg offers when we get out of the car and I shrug.
"I'm okay with that." I say before turning to Olivia and Johnny.
"Be good for Meg, yeah? And don't eat too many sweets. I know she lets you get away with murder but she doesn't have to look after two hyper children all night." I say and they both nod.
"Okay Gavvy." Olivia says and I smile.
"That's my girl." I say and she grins proudly.

We buy tickets and food; I notice Meg buys slightly more sweets than is necessary for 3 people but secretly I don't mind. Michael and I make our way to screen 10 while Meg and the kids wait for screen 4 to be ready. The entire time I realise that Michael and I are basically on a date and I wonder if this was Megs plan all along. Michael and I sit in the middle of the back row and chat through the adverts and laugh at the trailers and decide which ones we want to watch and when we should see them and we share food with each other and half way through the film Michaels little finger brushes against mine and I feel electricity shoot through me when I link our little fingers and by the end of the film we're holding hands and I'm blushing like mad and the lights come on and we stand up and I expect Michael to drop my hand but he doesn't and I can't help the happy little smile on my lips.
We have to wait for Meg and the kids as their film finishes a few minutes later than ours as it started later so we sit in the little waiting area you go when you're waiting for a film to start. Michael sits opposite me and I can feel his eyes on me as I stare at the table.
"So did you like the film?" Michael asks and I nod.
"Yeah, it was good. Quite true to the game." I say but we both know I could barely focus on the film because Michael was just so close. Michael nods and smiles at me slightly.
"Yeah. I agree. Great film, great company." He mumbles and I blush and bite my lip.
"Yeah." I agree just as Meg comes round the corner with Johnny, holding Olivia, who looks tired. She passes Olivia to me and I hold her in my lap and she falls asleep almost instantly.
"I guess that's our cue to go then huh?" Michael says, looking at Olivia fondly and I smile, nodding. I carry Olivia and place her in the car.
"Hey Gav, you want me to have Johnny and Liv tonight? You can invite Michael round and have some fun." She winks when it's only us two not in the car and I shake my head.
"It's fine." I say and she raises her eyebrow.
"Gavin, you just basically went on a date, which I know something happened on by the way because you've been smiling since, and now I'm offering you more time with him; go for it Gav. Think of you for once!" She says and I roll my eyes.
"Its fine. I don't want them to feel like I'm dumping them somewhere so I can hang out with Michael." I say before climbing into the car, signalling the end of the conversation.
"Gavvy?" Johnny says after a few minutes and I roll my eyes.
"What do you want, bud?" I ask, my tone light and easy. Whenever he uses that tone he's either done something or wants something.
"Can I stay at Megs today?" He asks and Olivia pipes up "me too" which comes out muffled because she has her thumb in her mouth.
"Oh I see how it is, one trip to the cinema and I'm already being replaced. It breaks my heart." I say jokingly and Johnny shakes his head.
"No, but Meg doesn't have to work tomorrow and you have to go to work with Geoff so we don't have to wake up early if we're at Megs." He says and I roll my eyes.
"10am isn't that early dude, but whatever, yeah sure." I say and he grins and high fives Meg.

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