Chapter 2

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Morristown Headquarters

Katrina POV

"We are almost there." my father said as he nudged me to wake up. 

I opened my eyes and sat up. I saw a few continental soldiers up ahead standing guard for what must be the camp. I looked back at my father and noticed he changed into his blue uniform with gold epaulets on both shoulders. 

 "Why are you wearing your uniform?" I asked trying to get my mind off of my dream. "you can never be too careful when entering camp. After all, I could be hanged as a spy if I was wearing civilian clothes." he replied as we passed the guards who saluted us upon entering. 

The camp was larger than I originally thought, with hundreds of tents were lined up with a few wooden buildings in between. We rode to my father's tent and dismounted, tying up the horses on a wooden post nearby. 

"Why don't you get changed into a better dress before we go see Washington. You can use my tent." my father suggested.

 I entered his tent and started rummaging through my clothing to find a dress. My father helped me choose and then closed the door on his way out to give me privacy. I changed into the dress which was light blue with white designs. I opened the door to the tent and stepped out to my father who held out his arm. 

 "Let's go." he said as I placed a hand on top of his and walked over to George Washington's house.

We arrived at Washington's house soon after. My father held the door open for me as I stepped inside and he led me to Washington's study. The two men in the room stopped their discussion as I came in, with my father in tow. Both men were dressed in the continental uniform, however one of them had the blue slash on his uniform, indicating that he was Washington. "

Your Excellency." my father said and bowed to him. 

 "Nathanael, I was wondering when you would be back." George Washington replied. Then he turned to me. 

 "And who might you be young lady?" 

 "Sir, allow me to introduce my daughter, Katrina Greene." my father said as I curtsied gracefully. 

 "A pleasure to finally make your acquaintance Ms. Greene." he said and bowed in return. 

 "And who is this young man?" my father questioned and motioned towards the other man in the room. He looked much younger than my father with dirty blonde hair swept back and blue eyes. 

 "Oh yes, This is Major Benjamin Tallmadge, my head of Intelligence." Washington answered. 

 "Sir." He acknowledged my father with a nod before turning to me. 

"A pleasure to meet you, Ms. Greene." the Major greeted and bowed, kissing my hand. 

 "the pleasure is all mine Major." I replied and curtsied in turn. 

 "Welcome to Morristown. You must be exhausted after your journey." Washington guessed. 

 "Tallmadge, please escort Ms. Greene to her tent and help her get settled while I talk with General Greene." Washington ordered. Tallmadge nodded and held out his left arm to escort me. My father eyed me, sending out a silent warning to be careful as I took the Majors arm and followed him outside the tent.

The walk through camp wasn't as bad as I originally thought in my mind. Then again, I didn't plan on meeting anyone else other than Washington. Tallmadge stayed silent throughout the walk and I couldn't help but feel guilty as I remembered that my father and I came during the middle of their conversation. "

I apologize Major for interrupting your conversation with Washington. It must have been important with you being the head of Intelligence." he looked at me for the first time since leaving Washington's tent. 

 "Do not apologize, you were fleeing a city now under British occupation. The matter wasn't of great importance anyways." He assured me as we came up to a tent not far from my father's. 

 "This doesn't feel like where the camp followers stay." I asked, wondering why he brought me here. 

 "Washington ordered for you to have a tent close to your father's in case of emergency. Besides, you would not want to be with the camp followers wearing beautiful dresses like you have on." He explained. I blushed at the compliment as a few men came by with my trunk and placed it inside my tent. 

 "Thank you Major Tallmadge for your help." I curtsied ready to end the conversation. 

 "It is my pleasure Miss Greene, your father's tent is across from yours and mine is five to the left from his. If you ever need anything, my door is always open." He bowed and left. 

 I entered my tent and sighed, happy that I could be alone for the first time in a few days. I changed into my nightclothes rather slowly, spending a while trying to undo my corset. I made a mental note to ask for someone to help me with that as I finally pulled it off. I collapsed on the bed and blew out the candle on the bedside table, drowning me in darkness.  

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