chapter thirty five

Start from the beginning

"Why haven't you bought anything yet?" Chantel asks with a confused look. She held her bags in her hands and some hung on her arms because she had bought so much stuff.

"I haven't seen anything I like," I reply. Chantel scoffs and rolls her eyes - she already knows I'm lying.

"Come on, I'm going to take you somewhere,"


"What are you doing here?!" I feel completely speechless. Why is she here? She ignored me for months, it's been roughly a year! I bet she's going to beg for my friendship again, I don't think I'll let that happen - she did nothing but push me away when I tried to help, she lost her boyfriend and had no one now she's crawling back?

"Hello to you too," She giggled shyly. I crossed my arms over my chest and waited for her to speak. Also, why is she here in the middle of the night? (😉)

"Please explain why you're standing at my door in the middle of the night, Lily!" Brad stood behind me with his hand on my shoulder; probably trying to calm me down. I felt angry. Sad. All over the place.

"I r-ran away," She had a creepy smile on her face, her hair was messy and knotted together, her eyes were wide and her lips looked cracked - I'm not even going to mention what clothes she's wearing. She looks horrific!

"From where exactly?" I asked raising my brow.

"Rehab," Lily nodded. She looks so scary, if I was a stranger I would definitely avoid her - she looks insane. But, why was she in rehab?

"Rehab? Why were you in rehab?" Brad opened the door wider and stood next to me, his hand was loosely hung around my waist - he's probably thinking she'll make a move on me, she looks like she could pounce at any moment.

"I-I wasn't in the best s-shape - I'm sti-not," She couldn't even finish her words properly. I'm praying she's not going to say what I think she's going to say.

"Someone caught me t-taking d-d-drugs," Her voice cracked several times, she stuttered on almost every word she spoke. I can't believe it. She was the sweetest girl I had ever met, now she's knocking on my door at midnight saying she's escaped from rehab and she takes drugs!

"Lily... you can't be here," I sighed, giving her a sad look. Her lips quivered as she looked at me as if she was desperate - but for what? My friendship? Trust? I don't think I could trust her again, especially with how she is now. "Go home."

"I have nowhere to go," Lily chocked. I look to the ground in sorrow. I do feel sorry for her, it must have been hard, but there's not much Brad and I can do. We could get in trouble if we're seen taking her in.

Lily slouched her back and lowered her head. She put her hands together in front of her and looked up at me, the tears making her eyes glossy and shiny - but her eyes were dark and emotionless.

"I... I can't go back there," She looked between me and Brad. I heard Brad sigh in frustration. I put my head in my hands, I couldn't look at her. She's ruined her life, all because she wouldn't come to me when she needed me, so instead she totally ignored me and left everyone she knows and loves - loved.


"Madison... please," I couldn't take it anymore. She is - was - my best friend. I don't want to see her like this. It's painful and it hurts me, but it must have hurt her a whole lot more. Tears started to brim in the corners of my eyes, I felt a slight tickle as they slid across my eyes and edged slowly towards my cheeks. I shook my head and looked down - I couldn't look at her. I felt guilt, betrayal and painfully upset that she is in this situation.

"I'm sorry, I hope you get better soon, I really do. But, Lily, there's nothing we can do. You're being looked for right now, if we get caught we're all going down for this.." I hiccuped as the tears became warm on my skin. Brad took my hand in his and held it tight. Lily looked down and nodded her head. Her matted up hair and the bags under her eyes looked even worse when she looked down, the light properly shone on her face.

"It was n-nice seeing you... you t-too Bradley," Lily bowed her head and stared at the ground before she slowly walked away from the house. I turned to Brad and he wrapped his warm arms around me. I buried my head in his chest and let the rest of the tears fall, I hated seeing her like that. She deserved a better life, a happy life. She's gone through nothing but pain - I hope she finds somewhere to stay, or if she gets caught and taken back at least she'll be under supervision and will have a roof over her head.

Brad closed the door and locked it, hanging the key back up then started to stroke my hair - it kind of soothes me and makes me feel better. I continued to cry in his chest until he picked me up and walked upstairs to our bedroom. He lay me down on the bed and got in next to me. I grabbed the big, soft blanket and covered both of our bodies. I moved closer to Brad so I could be as close as possible to him and cuddled into his chest. Brad's warm body felt so close to mine, it felt just right.

"She'll be okay," Brad whispered before I drifted off into a deep sleep.


I got some drama for y'all soon😏

& also to anyone who got their results today congrats! if you didn't do so well, don't worry, letters on a piece of paper do not define who you are or what you are capable of. you're all beautiful and amazing people, just remember that❤️

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