Chapter One: Back Story

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Back in August 16th, 2001, a little girl was born. Her name was Peyton. She was 7lb 8 oz, 19 inches and she came out smiling. She started growing and babbling. She started talking and you couldn't get her to shut up. She started walking and that was bad because she walked everywhere and she started getting introuble. Birthdays went by and it was the same princess parties she always had. She grew tired of the same party. She then finally got the courage to ask her mom for a Batman cake. Her mom gave into her wish. She got a Batman birthday. She realized at that point she wanted Batman everything. She asked her mom if she could change her room to a Batman room. Her mom looked at her and asked, "Sweetie, what's up with all this sudden interest in Batman?" Little Peyton said, "I like Batman mommy." Her mom said, "Alright then sweetie let's go buy Batman stuff. We have to go back to school shopping anyway. You're 4. You start Kindergarten next month." Peyton smiled and said, "Okay let me put on my shoes." Peyton went with her mom to Target. Peyton grabbed all kinds of Batman stuff for her room. Her mom then took her to the school stuff and Peyton ,as you can guess, grabbed a lot of Batman stuff. Her mom didn't question it as she grabbed a Batman bag. Peytons mom then said,"Let's go to JC Penny's and you pick out some clothes." Peyton's mom paid for everything then took her to Jc Penny's. She ran straight to the boy clothes since it's the first time she got to pick out clothes and she grabbed all kinds of boy clothes. Her mom smiled at her and said, "whatever you want sweetie." Peyton walked to her mom and said, "Mommy can I cut my hair and be called Tyler. Ty for short. I feel like a boy mommy." Peyton had tears in her eyes. She feared what her mom would say. She didn't wanna face the world as a girl anymore. She felt lost, like she was in a room full of people screaming and no one could hear her. Her mom then smiled then said, "Sweetie, I remember when you were 3 and you were in your room wearing dad's tie and you said, 'Hi I am Ty get it Ty but T-y.' In the mirror I knew something was up. I just wanted you to tell me yourself. I love you more than you would ever know. Do you want to enter the school year as a boy and Tyler?" Tyler's face lit up as he heard that. He then hugged his mom and said, "Yes." She took him to the salon that was there and got his hair cut. She took him to try on clothes and after he tried on all the clothes she hugged him and said,"My handsome little son." Tyler smiled he finally felt happy.

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