"SARAH!" I heard Jeff yelling from downstairs, "HURRY UP AND GET DOWN HERE!"

"Jeff, don't yell," Uncle Andrew's voice reprimanded him.

I giggled. "Coming," I called running down the stairs, nearly tripping twice, but managing to regain my balance just in time.

"Sixteen years old and still behaving like a ten year old." My uncle shook his head as I appeared in front of them completely out of breath.

"Blame Jeff for that," I replied breathlessly, pointing a figure at him.

Jeff was nearly eighteen and just about as tall as Uncle Andrew. His hair had darkened a little with the years, but his eyes were still as bright and green and mischievous as ever. He had been rather clumsy in his younger teens, but now he had straightened out and was on his way to becoming a very handsome young man, though Uncle always said that his brain was yet to be developed and he seemed rather disappointed at Jeff's immature and still very boyish behavior. I didn't mind! Jeff was fun to be around and never let things get boring. We weren't very close, but close enough to enjoy each other's company and knew how to have a good time. We looked at each other as brother and sister, and I always knew that Jeff watched my back, just as I looked out for him.

"Of course, blame me," Jeff put on mock offence (he was great at mock offence.) "Blame me for everything wrong in your life."

"I don't blame you for everything wrong in my life," I replied in full seriousness. "Maybe I wish I could, but I can't so I don't. But honestly, you are the reason I still run two steps at a time and play tricks on Mr. Jenning."

Uncle Andrew frowned at this. He highly disapproved of us sneaking away from Mr. Jenning and had managed to get us to stop most of our tricks on our tutor. We still managed to pull a few from time to time.

"Anyway," Jeff said, "we're here to present you with your birthday present."

I got a naughty look in my eyes. "So, present it."

"Some nerve you have," Jeff poked me. "Come on, its outside."

 "Is it wrapped pretty?" I asked as we walk out the front door.

"Beautifully," My uncle smiled. "I believe we haven't been able to wrap a present this nice before."

I was intrigued.

"Wait," Jeff produced a black scar, "first, you must be blindfolded."


My uncle held me while Jeff tied the scarf around my eyes.

"Uncle Andrew, Jeff, you're frightening me."

"Good," I heard Jeff's satisfied voice. I pouted my lips and allowed them to lead me to wherever it was that they wanted to take me.

"Alright," Uncle Andrew spoke, "on the count of three. One, two..."

"Three!" Jeff finished and the scarf slipped off my face. The sunlight blinded me for a moment, but when my eyes finally adjusted to the light I found myself staring at a small but lovely flower garden. It was planted with great care and taste, the flower patches placed in orderly and artistic fashion. There were rose bushes, violets, carnations, lilies and forget-me-nots. All my favorite flowers.

"Well..." Uncle Andrew looked at me expectantly, "it's not very large, but it's a start."

"I...I...I don't know what to say," I stammered. My own beautiful flower garden, where I could raise my own flowers, it really was the best present ever.

"And that's not all," Jeff went on. "It comes with your own gardener."

I caught my breath as Sammy walked out of what seemed like nowhere.

"I'm not quite ready to trust the flower garden to you alone," Uncle Andrew spoke with humor in his voice, "Otherwise I know I'd never see you in the house. So we made sure you had a good gardener, who knows flowers and gardens like the back of his hand and that will let Jeff and myself to actually see you from time to time."

"Oh, Uncle," I burst out laughing and threw my arms around him, "and all this from a man who hates flowers."

"Personally, I don't see any use in them," He agreed. "But you love them and I love you so I'm willing to compromise. A lot of credit goes to Jeff, he came up with the idea and put a lot of effort to seeing it through. And of course Kristoffs and Sam here, they did all the 'dirty' work."

I hugged Jeff. "Your imagination does you credit."

He grinned, obviously very pleased with himself.

"We'll leave you to explore," Uncle Andrew said, grabbing Jeff's arm. "But don't linger too long, there is the ball today and guests will be arriving soon."

I nodded my head and they walked off. I turned to face Sammy.

"Happy Birthday, Sammy," I stated.

"Happy Birthday, Miss Rose," He relied, as smile on his face.

"Sarah, Sammy, call me Sarah. Miss Rose is far too formal."

"Doesn't seem quite right; I's your slave now, and I ought to address you..."

"Sammy," I stamped my foot, "seriously."

"I am serious."

"Call me Miss Sarah if the Miss is such an important part for you. At least that will make it less formal than 'Miss Rose'."

"Sounds like a deal."

"Don't worry, I didn't forget about your birthday present, only I couldn't wrap it."

"What about your garden? I put so much work into it."

"I'll be sure to explore it," I promised. "Let me tell you about your present first. Now, I know how much you like to read, so I promise that I'll sneak out any of Uncle's books that you want. I'll sneak out the whole library if I have too, only we'll have to return the books once you're done reading them.

"I don't know if I remember how to read properly, I haven't had a chance to read since I left."

"You're bright, Sam, if you did forget anything, you'll remember in a moment. Don't worry."

He smiled. "Here, in honor of your sixteenth," He handed me a bouquet of white roses.

 "My favorite," I exclaimed. "But you knew that." I buried my face in the flowers and breathed the heavenly scent. Sammy was quite the artist. The bouquet, and I knew he had made it himself, was truly a work of art. As, I will admit, was the entire garden. I had always known that Sammy was a born gardener. This only proved it,

"Now, allow me to give you tour of your garden," He took me hand, much as he had the day I first met him and dragged me around; showing me flowers, explaining about the soil and the design and on and on. I completely lost track of the time. Only when Elsie came walking up I was reminded about the ball today and my coming out party.

"Oh, right, there is that," I knit my eyebrows. "I'll be right there, Elsie."

"Quick as you like, Sarah," she replied and went back to the house.

"Looking forward to the ball?" Sammy asked.

"Yes and no. I'm really excited about it and dreading it at the same time." I stated. "I'm so afraid I'll fall flat on my face. You know how I'll be on spotlight for all of society and I never was very good at being on spotlight," I sighed.

"You'll do fine," He tried to be encouraging. "You always do fine."

"Try telling that to Aunt Helen," I muttered under my breath.

"What are you afraid of exactly?" He prodded.

How could I tell him? "I'm afraid of not being good enough," I summed it up as best I could.

"Not good enough? You are good enough."

I shook my head, I couldn't believe that. I would never be good enough, I could only try. "I've got to go prepare," I said at last. "See you later, Sammy."

He nodded his head and I went into the house. I would have preferred to stay out there with him and the flowers, but duty called and I had to obey.

Sarah's Roses, Book I: Roses of BlueWhere stories live. Discover now