The Secrets Beyond May's Smile

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I tapped my sharpened pencil against the desk. Why did Chemistry have to be so boring? I sighed as I heard nothing but silence coming out of Ms. Grande's mouth. This class needs to end right now. To pass the time, I prop my elbow up on the desk and rest my chin in the middle of my palm and I daydream. I daydream about what it would be like if I could be set free. Like a bird to be exact. I hated going home cause all my Mother did was scream at me and get drunk almost every night. My Father left years ago, too long to even remember what he looked like. My brother Kyle had dropped out of school and got his own place with his girlfriend who dropped out too. My life was too crazy to believe. But this Chemistry class wasn't where I was now. In fact, I was flash-backing to that moment. I remember everything before all this madness happened, way to clearly. But before I get to the good stuff, I might want to start the story to the beginning. Which is now..

"May!" My Mom called. "Come here." 

I groaned and dragging my body to see what my Mom wanted. "Yes?" I tried to say this nicely, but it didn't work.

"Let the dogs out." She motioned her hand over to the door where my two Shih Tzu's sat, wagging their tails in excitement to go out.

"Yes I'll let them out. Since I was upstairs and you were down here about a couple inches away from the door. Yep, I was for sure closer." I turned the knob for the back door sideways and pry open the door wide. Bennie and Fizzy hopped down the patio steps and pounced onto the grass.

"Why are you talking to me like that?

"Because you talk to me like that." I snapped. She raised her hand and slapped my right cheek. My hand rubbed the part where she slapped. My cheek was red and it was stinging. Tears swelled up in my caramel colored eyes. I scurried off to the bathroom to clean my face. I wiped my tears away and stared at the redness that was spreading across the bump rapidly. I pushed my hair back into a ponytail and studied my face. Fear read across my forehead while my eyes, read pain. Why did she treat me like this? Did she not love me? I didn't know. At least, I wasn't sure if I knew. My elbows were stabbed into my desk by the window and my four fingers pressed against my temples while my thumbs hung onto the side of my chin. My eyes stared into the wood of my desk as they wandered up to look out the window. I saw across the street a Mother, a Father, and a little boy playing basketball. Laughter escaped their mouths and the Father grinned, pulling the boy into his arms and raising him in the air. A smile was painted on my face. It was a sweet moment. The Mother cradled her arms around the boy and the Father. She was grinning too, and giggling at the same time. If only I had her as a Mother. 

"Dinner is ready!" My Mom yelled to me. Great, another frozen microwaved meal, yum. I slid down the stairs and my plate was on the counter. It had corn, chicken, and macaroni and cheese. I took it upstairs and tried to shove it in my mouth. The unsweetened corn was horrible. And the chicken was still a bit frozen. But if I had complained, it'd be another red bruise on the other cheek. It was almost as if she was trying to posion me. My fork played around with the corn then I decided to push the food to the side and not touch it. I can't really remember the last time we had a real dinner. It must've been a really long time ago if i couldn't remember it. I slip under the covers and rest my head onto my lumpy pillow. I want to get out of this hellhole. Even it if it's the last thing I'll ever do.

I rubbed my eyes as the bright sun shun on my eyelids. My lashes fluttered open as I yawned. I snuck into the kitchen, popping a piece of bread in the toaster. Snoring was coming from the couch so I figured my Mom slept there last night. "DING!" The toast was crisp and I shoved it into my mouth, silently crunching it. I pluck a banana off the counter and peel it, running up to my room. I set the piece of toast on my desk and take a bite of the banana. When I pick up the piece of toast, little crumbs leave a trail of where the toast laid. For some reason, it made me smile. My ponytail was loose because I fell asleep with it. As I took off the rubberband, waves dropped past my shoulder. I clenched my hand around my brush and combed through my beautiful blond, wavey hair. I scan my eyes at my clothing in my drawers and in my closet. I pulled out a regular white tank top and slip on some jean shorts. I run my fingers across my prickly legs. I haven't shaved since yesterday, I might have to shave again. I take a quick glance in the mirror of myself before I run downstairs to see if Mom bought any razors. I feel eyes on my back. "You look like a slut." My Mom scoffs in disgust. I close my mouth shut to keep the tears from rushing down and harsh words from slipping through.

I ignore her but then she gets up. Her eyes running up and down my body. "Put on some longer shorts." She demands. "But these aren't too short. They go five inches above the knee." I argue.

"If I say they're too short, you listen dammit!" She screams. My lip starts to quiver as I dash upstairs locking my door tight. Her fist starts to pound on the door. "MAY!" She yells.

I don't answer.

"May, you better open this damn door right now or I'm throwing away all of your clothes, do you understand me?" 

I take a deep breath and unlock it. She walks in pinning me to the floor. "I'm your Mother. What I tell you to do, you do it. If you ever ignore me like that, so help me I will beat the hell out of you. Understand?" 

I nod in fear and she stands up, brushing herself off.

I hated my life.





How was that chapter everyone? I don't know if it was long but it took me over an hour. Boy does my butt hurt! Heehee. This is Jamie. Emma gave me this idea over the phone and I'm reading it to her now. I hope you guys like it! Love you all! Bye!


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⏰ Última actualización: May 13, 2012 ⏰

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