Strawberry Buttercream (Happy Birthday, Jaybird)

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Y/N had hoped that her boyfriend would be gone the entire time she was busy making his birthday cake, but, wouldn't you know it, the minute she got out all her supplies and ingredients was also the minute he walked through the door.

"What are you doing?" Jason asked, curiosity lighting up in his eyes.

There goes the surprise, Y/N thought with a small sigh. "I'm making you a birthday cake." She said.

"But it isn't my birthday." He said, unconvincingly. How the man managed to keep his life as a vigilante a secret, she would never know.

Y/N snorted at his dishonesty. "Nice try, but I asked Alfred months ago and he wouldn't lie about something like this."

Jason swore under his breath. "Hey," Y/N said, pointing her mixing spoon at him. "At least I'm not throwing you a party. It is just a cake. Unless of course you don't want me to make you a cake-"

"I never said that." Jason interjected. "What exactly did you have planned?" He asked, eyeing the array of ingredients arranged on the counter.

"Strawberry cake with strawberry buttercream icing." Y/N said, holding out her phone to show him the recipe. "Unless you would prefer chocolate or vanilla."

"Strawberry is perfect." He said with a smile. "So what do we do first?"

"We," Y/N said, opening a box of white cake mix. "Are not doing anything. You can sit there and keep me company though."

Jason held his hands up in mock surrender as he sat down at the kitchen table. "Work your magic then, Martha Stewart."

Y/N rolled her eyes as she continued working on the cake batter. Jason got up when she poured finally poured the finished mixture into a pan. He picked it up and put it in the oven. Y/N opened her mouth to protest, but he quickly cut her off.

"It is the least I can do." He said.

"The least you could do is what I told you to do: nothing." Y/N grumbled.

Jason laughed and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I know I seem a little ungrateful, but my birthday hasn't ever really been a big deal. I mean, Bruce and Alfred always tried to throw this huge party for me and invite kids from school, but I always felt like that was more for show than anything."

"They mean well." Y/N said, wrapping her arms around his neck as his hands rested on her back. "I had to convince them not to throw you a party this year."

Jason gave an exaggerated shudder at that. "They still want us to come over for dinner though." Y/N added.

"No." Jason said firmly.

"I made them promise not to try anything funny." Y/N said pleadingly. "I even threatened Dick."

"That is almost a present in and of itself." He laughed. Y/N smiled and pulled him in for a kiss.

"I am glad you think that, but you are getting a present and you are not allowed to refuse it." Y/N said, pulling herself out of Jason's embrace. "Want to help me make the icing?"

What started out as a simple task quickly degenerated after they turned on music.

"If I could find you now things would get better," Y/N sang along. "We could leave this town and run forever."

"Let your waves crash down on me and take me away!" Jason said as he picked Y/N up and spun her around.

"Jason!" She shrieked, losing her grip on the whisk. It went flying as he continued to spin her to the music. "Let me down!" She pleaded.

"Nope, not until the song ends." He teased. As the final notes faded, he put her down and they both swayed, very dizzy from his actions.

When the world finally stopped spinning, Y/N looked around for her missing utensil. She found it across the room and moved to retrieve it, not realizing she stepped in buttercream that had smeared on the floor when the whisk had went flying.

Y/N let out a loud shriek as she felt her feet slip out from underneath her. Jason caught her and pulled her up in his arms.

"You know," Jason started, a mischievous smirk forming on his handsome face. "I didn't think I could get you to fall for me once, but I think this makes twice now."

"You have been spending far too much time with, Dick." Y/N groaned as she hid her face in his shoulder. "You can put me down, by the way."

Jason carefully put her back on her feet and grabbed a dishcloth from the sink. He cleaned up all the icing from the floor before handing her the whisk.

Y/N sighed as she cleaned it before turning back to the mixing bowl holding the rest of the icing. They managed to get the cake out of the oven before it burned and to finish making the icing.

Y/N grabbed Jason's hand and led him into the living room.

"So what movie do you want to watch while we wait for the cake to cool?" Y/N asked as she turned on the TV.

Jason just smiled as he held up Raiders of the Lost Ark.

"I'm not even surprised." Y/N said with a small laugh as Jason settled onto the couch next to her. She smiled as she watched him get lost in the world of Indiana Jones.

Somewhere between Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Jason drifted off to sleep. Y/N smiled as she got up from the couch and grabbed a blanket. She carefully covered him with the blanket.

She was still smiling as she went into the kitchen and finished his cake. She placed it on the table and retrieved the presents that she had carefully wrapped. A new leather bound copy of Pride and Prejudice, next to which she had placed a long thin package. She was nervous about that one, but she knew Jason would probably be excited. Hopefully.

She sighed as she admired her work. It wasn't the fanciest or best birthday display ever, but she knew he would appreciate this more than balloons and streamers.

"Happy birthday, Jay." She murmured, a soft smile on her face.

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