Chapter 1

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I originally wrote this on Instagram so I am copy and pasting, originally on @aldc.tumble11 on Instagram go check it out and follow. Now to get started:

1 day, 1 week, 1 year, or a million years.
No matter how long I have to wait it doesn't change a thing.

My names Brynn Rumfallo and a while ago I met this girl named Kenzie Ziegler and she is my best friend. 

But she lives 395.7 miles away... you are most likely confused.

Let me take you back 3 weeks, I was just scrolling through the internet explorer page on Instagram and I saw this video... it was of two girls who met online and it was so cute. 

I decided I needed an internet friend so I scrolled through her page and clicked on a photo reading "meet your internet friend! Comment age, sexuality, hobbies, place you live and more" 

I scrolled through the comments and I saw a girl @/yaaaa.girl.kenz.zieg her name is kenzie Ziegler, she's 12 like me, she's straight, she likes dance also and photography, she lives in Pittsburgh

I live in Kentucky but she also said she travels a lot, I replied to the comment right away and asked if she wanted to talk more and that I was also 12, liked dance and lived in Kentucky.

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