Magical Oblivion

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People say there is no magic left in this world anymore.
They argue that it is wreathed with fairy tales to keep sad lonely hearts with glee and innocent children with heartfelt tales.

There was once magic in this world.
There still is magic
And forever, there shall be magic.

Why have we been oblivious of the certain truth of this?
Why have we turned a blind eye while fairies flustered by as the bags of dust soars in the air seeking to fulfil wishes?

Hounding lycanthropes shackled by ancient warlocks in caves hidden, an tunnelled that none could escape from it.

Or the noisy dwarf folk as they chant hymns of victories and songs of motivation as they dig beneath the earth searching for rare gems and precious stones.

Why not, the dragon king setting the night alight with his blaring breath of hellish flames as they assailant runs lit with fury from the attack?

Not forgetting the merfolk's soaring in the waters glittering fins and beautiful scales emphasizing on the blue sea warmth and attractiveness. 

Why have we suddenly become blind from the magic that glides and intoxicates this world?

It lurks not so far behind seeking to be noticed and known.
But the hurt and the shattered hopes lost have made us deem it as nonexistent.

I believe in magic
I believe in the unseen
I believe in miracles
I believe wishes come true

Now I close my eyes as the midnight clock strikes
My hands held high,  I whisper my hearts desires to winds
It parades it to the ends of the earth as my heartfelt desires prepare to make manifest
And if there is any justice in this world,  let  every good thought in my heart an mind,  become manifest
From now till the end of time itself.

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