Chapter three

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Chapter 3


Shay wasn’t too happy that I brought a vamp here but after I told him what have happened but he still had the Vampire isolated from everyone with guards. I had asked Shay if I could say thank you to the vampire for saving my life he said no. he said I could say thank you when it’s the day of the trial. I couldn’t take that as an answer I need to see him now I needed to see his black hair, his emerald eyes and rippling muscles one more time, I needed to say thank you I need to apologise that I brought him here because I knew that this trial would lead to his death. He maybe a vampire but no one deserves to die the way that the pack is going to kill him

They had locked him in the tool shed and Lamoure and Petri were on duty they were the worst people for Shay to pick it like child’s play to trick them. I called over Kiekie she was such a flirt and every guy in this place practically worshiped her. She was running past me when I caught her attention. She came over and I made a deal if she was to do this for me I would do her chores for a whole month that included cleaning out the chicken coop which she hated. “Fine” she said. She fluffed her hair pulling out some make up from her bag. Even if she just wearing tracks she can make anything look hot, sexy and slick. She walked up to the boys and caught there attention.  “Hey boys do you guys want to go on a run?” they fawned over every single word “Well we shouldn’t” they were hesitating until she played the biggest trick in the book the hair flip eye flutter. “Okay” they announced with sheer horniness. They walked up to the clearing and Kiekie gave me the heads up. I waited until they were past the clearing and running into the woods shifting in to their wolf forms forgetting about all the cares in the human world.

I snuck around to the front of the shed and opened the door. They had tied him to the chair with pure iron chains he was blind folded but his lifted his head to find me with his heightened senses “Hey you. I would call you by your name if I knew it” he had a cute smile. I could imagine what his eyes would be like would they be twinkling or would they be plain and boring.  “Isabella” I said. “What?” he asked in a confused shock “Isabella my name is Isabella” his confused look was replaced with a smile “Hello Isabella I’m Vincent and no you can’t call me Vinnie it makes me seem like an Italian mobster instead of a sexy French guy” he tried to look buff but the chains restricted his body.


She’s not Shay but she fought like an Alpha and Shay is the Alpha of the pack. “So Isabella how come you smell like dog? I don’t mean to sound disrespectful but this whole place smells like dog almost wolf” I wanted her to admit that she was werewolf to narrow the fact she might not be what I was looking for. “Well I guess you only know about Vampires but there other things Zombies, Fairies, Werewolf’s” she was explaining this really well especially since she thinks I don’t know anything.  She told me about the truce between the werewolves and the vampires. This is it I’m going to ask her if she is a werewolf. “Isabella” she turned towards me. Even if I was blindfolded I still could feel her movement, smell it and almost see it in my inner mind eye. “Yeah” she answered me. “Are you are Werewolf?” she went silent and I was waiting for an answer when I heard a sigh. “Isabella are you okay?” she walked over and removed the blindfold. I was a little shocked to see her in cargo pants and a tank top I thought she would have been wearing a dress like the other females I’ve seen.  She pulled a chair in front of me and sat down.  “I’m sort of a Were but I don’t change Shay calls me a Loup-Garou” it’s her she the Loup-Garou this is as easy as taking candy from a baby and this baby is just clueless.   “Who’s Shay?” I asked. She frowned and looked at me “The man who is handing your death sentence. You’re not shocked” I wasn’t she was right I was half expecting it “If he kills me this curse would be all over I will be free” It’s wired she wasn’t shocked by my answer I guess she does fill sorry for me right who would want to be a vampire I still don’t but sometimes I just have to get over it.  “Isabella, it’s all right I don’t care if I die, you can’t be afraid of death because if you’re afraid of death you reject life” My father said that to me on his death bed and from that day on I didn’t reject death I had become a part of cruel death.

I looked up at Isabella she looked like she was going to cry “Isabella are you okay?” she wiped a tear from her cheek “No it’s all my fault I should have just sent you on your way and you wouldn’t and you wouldn’t be here and  you probably wouldn’t be put to death. Shay… I have to go” she went up to the window and looked up “Crap” she walked back over and took my Jacket.  “Hey what are you doing?” she put my jacket on which was to big on her “Sorry I need your jacket to cover my scent if I get caught I will be well let’s just say my grounding at the moment is like a toddler in time out compared what Shay would do” she looked scared and compared to what I going to do to get her blood she would wish she get caught. She put my blind fold back on and put everything back where it was meant to be just as the door knob clicked she moved over and hid behind the boxes.

 A man walked in he smelt like pack .He pulled the chair out that Isabella had sat on God don’t smell her I need her to be out and about for me to get to her. He faced the back of the chair and sat on like a teen at school would. I miss school I miss the feeling of being normal. I could smell the mutt all over him it made me want, to gag it was much more powerful than Isabella scent. Isabella smelt like roses and pine with a hint of dog but it wasn’t very faint.

He sat down in front of me and  took my blindfold off I came to see a tall bold man with sandy blonde hair he had a claw mark on his arm which represented the mark of the pack every wolf had one I wonder if Isabella has one. “Shay Connors I believe I owe you my thanks you saved my daughter” Isabella his daughter a pure bread had a half breed mutt I don’t believe it maybe a Loup-garou had to be born to a pure breed or a specific bloodline. “Who is your daughter?” I asked for a name knowing there was chances that I wouldn’t get but who cares I already know her name. “Isabella, Isabella is my daughter and I owe you great thanks so does the pack.” Maybe I won’t die if they owe me a debt. “Sir I was wondering what’s going to happen to me?” he had a smug grin like he was thinking about roasting me alive Werewolf’s really hate vampires and we hate them so I wouldn’t be shocked if he was thinking that. “Well you have a trail tomorrow at sundown and the pack will decide your fate whether you can stay, die or leave. I know I owe you my daughter life there was no way that she could take down six vamps alone so I think you have a pretty strong case even if your kind has brutally attacked our kind. You know today was the anniversary of Madelyn’s death. Your probably wondering who Madelyn is well she was a little baby she was killed in a raid. She would have been three today.”  I wanted to laugh I wanted to place a smug look on my face but I had to play innocent. “I’m not them just because I’m a vampire doesn’t mean I’m like them.” Shay had a smile on his face “I know I have met good Vamps but my pack has suffered to much at the hands of your kind”  he took a sniff in the air and I saw Isabella slunk back even further into the corner behind the box. He got up and headed to the door “I’ll see you tomorrow” he doesn’t know my name “Vincent” I said. “Goodbye Vincent” he left and Isabella came out.

“Isabella is what he told me true is he your father because this would have been good to know because this really could help with my case.” I need to know if she is Shay’s because if I get to her I get to Shay and if I get to Shay I get to the pack. “Yes I’m his daughter” Isabella is Shay’s daughter this is perfect. “Is it also true about Madelyn” she nodded her head in agreement. “Those vampires are monsters but I’m not” of course I am I was the one who organized the raid but didn’t go on it Boaz said this was phase one but I never knew what he meant until now maybe he wanted the Were’s to be confused about us Vamps. “Isabella I think you should go I’m dangerous and I don’t want anything to happen to you” she nodded in agreement and gave back my coat “Isabella its cold out there you keep it. You can give it back to me when I stay or leave.” I didn’t say die because I didn’t intended to because if I was sentenced to death I would take her blood and run. At least I would have something to bring back. She left and took my jacket I didn’t want it back it probably smelt like mutt. Dirty filthy mutt I’m going to have to burn it if I do get it back.

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