It was dawn and I had made my way out with the team in a few hours’ time I will be at Alpine Creek Wyoming and our plan will be in motion. I wonder who the Loup-garou was. Werewolves are usually born boys the female gean was quite rare. You get very few who survive the bite transformation so that is an unlikely option it was inhumane. Whoever or what gender it is I have to be prepared a Loup-garou is stronger than an average wolf even if they don’t change they are more wolf than human.  The walk to Alpine Creek Wyoming will be long and treacherous trying to make it past werewolves just to be caught and probably killed anyway. Is this really worth it for blood a mutt’s blood? What is so worth this much for blood, me having to kill my own kind for blood and a few werewolves death it is too much to ask.

As we entered the boundaries of their territory I could smell the mutts those evil sons of bitches. We parted and said are goodbye’s the first one to find the Loup-garou was to tell and barge right in attacking.  Dodge, Ollie and Reaper went left and Talbot, Benjamin, Luke and I went the other.  The forest was dense the best place for wolves to live. I followed the smell of mutt it was hard distinct from the old and news smell that was everywhere and the Loup-garou smell well I’ve never seen or smelt a Loup-garou but it would be different I think. Vincent, Talbot and Benjamin north ridge there’s a wolf here maybe she can lead us to the Loup-Garou. Reaper sent us a telepathic message but before I could even send back a reply I was off.

I was the last to get at the ridge when I saw her. Her long flowing white blonde hair cupped her face which made her look younger than fifteen if it was any lighter it could be mistaken as the colour of snow. From what I could see she had hazel eyes. I hesitated for a moment she had already taken down Talbot and Luke she was really good. I ran down the hill and took out Reaper I had to kill him or the plan wouldn’t have worked I wringed his neck right around. “Sorry my friend” I whispered into his ear.  I took down Ben while she finished up on Talbot and Luke.  She approached me and took me down in an instant pinning me to the ground.

Whoever teaches her how to fight is strong alpha and from what I’ve heard about Shay I might be over my head. I flipped her over and pinned her. I hovered over the top of her until I was jumped by an older more mature wolf this was either an alpha or at least a co, “Cisco stop” she called. He let out a beastly snarl at her “I know he is a vampire, maybe he’s a new born maybe he doesn’t know about the truce” she was defending me my plan was on its way. He sniffed me and turned to the girl and she let out a sigh and pulled out a Swiss army knife from the bottom of her shoe. Sneaky hiding weapons in her shoe soles. She walked over and cut my arm it was defiantly forged in holy water and silver it made my skin sizzle. It hurt like hell but I didn’t let them see that. She crouched down at my level with my face. “So if you’re not a new born why did you kill your own kind?” she had cut to the chase I love that about women but she’s a mutt. She swung her knife from side to side in her hand. She looked down into my eyes and I looked into hers I was right they are hazel. She pulled the knife to my throat “They changed me a while ago and they have been trying to get me to join there coven or whatever and I said no so they have been kind of hunting me down. I’m sorry I brought them here I just have nowhere to go and I can’t go back home and I can’t let myself become that” I tried to point my hand to one of my dead comrades but the wolf let out a growl.  “Well I’m not going to kill you if you move on along. Cisco off now” she narrowed her voice and the wolf got off she had authority but how unless she was mated into the hierarchy or she is very important, was she Shay. No one knew if Shay was male or female because no one lived to tell there were only whispers about a wolf so strong that could kill in an instance.  If she was Shay she sure didn’t pride herself about it.

She was sending me away if I went back with failure I would be punished for a punishment you would receive for failure you would wish death was a punishment.  “Really you a human you don’t want protection from an immortal creature. Surreally you can’t expect this wolf to protect you it just an animal” I knew what she was but she didn’t know I did. “Trust me I’m fine my family takes care of me, even Vampires are terrified of my family” she was insulting my family were not scared were just cautious and well prepared. “Well can your family protect me from the Vampires I can help and I don’t want to be this I just want to be human again” I worked the helpless child card anything to get me in. she looked over at Cisco. They looked did in thought so I stood up brushing the dirt off of my clothes.


All my Life vampires have been terrorising my home, my family and even killed the closet thing I had to a sister Madelyn. She would have been three this year she was so beautiful and would have made her parents proud if she ever had the chance to make it to her adulthood. She was killed two years ago during a raid along with Michael and Johanna.  

Cisco he saved me he killed the vampires that attacked me he could at least appeal to Shay and the Pack we can’t just kill him he was once human like me. I pleaded my case with Cisco who was stubborn as a bull. Cisco, please call Alex, Tobi and Maxine down so they can escort him now! I yelled to him through my pack bond.

Isabella I don’t think it’s a good- Now! I interjected I wouldn’t let him finish his sentence this vampire deserved a chance like I was given. He did what I asked and around about five minutes Alex, Tobi and Maxine had come like they were asked. Alex was in human form while Maxine and Tobi were in wolf form. The sat next to each other their light and dark shades on their black coats shimmered in the light I caught there sent and embraced it. Alex had come up and placed his arm on my shoulder. Before he could have it there for more than a moment I removed it. I gave them their orders but as much as they interjected I stayed strong praying that I knew what I was doing.

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