This changed everything!!

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Jacob: courtney will my girlfriend
Courtney: idk jacob i have a lot to think about ill let u know soon
Jacob: uh ok
Jacob POV*

I asked courtney out and she said she has a lot to think about i really like her i hope she says yes

Courtney POV*
jacob asked me out and i said idk cause i wanna play hard to get even tho i really do like jacob
Text from Irene*
Irene: lets go to the mall?
Courtney: i am down
Irene: and find some cute boys
Courtney: no i want one person
Irene:  whatever...Ok come to my house in 20
Courtney: alright
** i go upstaris and change into joggers and a crop top and nike slides and walk over to irene
**knock knock
Irene- lets go
Courtney- bet
××got to the mall
Irene- there a lot of cute boys here u know
Courtney: cool

Courtney POV*
Irene is trying to find us boys but i really just like jacob

** we walk around and buy and bunch of cholthes then head to the food court to eat
I get chick fl-a and irene gets panda express we sit down and then some boys are staring at us
**they walk over
Boy 1- hey
Irene- heyy
Boy 2- whats your guys name
Courtney-courtney (sounding not instered even tho the boys are really cute)
Irene- irene
Boy 1- well i am mark and this is johnny
Johnny- hey do u guys wanna go get star bucks with us
Irene - suree
**we walk to starbucks
Johnny- what u guys want (looking at me)
Courtney- mocha Frappuccino ( thats just what i always get)
Johnny- alright bett
** he walks up 1 mocha frappuccino and one villina bean meduim
Ok that will be 8.98$
** i walk up and give him 4.40$
~he pushes my hand back and pays with a cedit card
courtney- i would have payed for mines
Johnny- i got u girl
** u smile and say thank u and give him a slight hug
Irene- i ship it (screaming)
**johnny smiles
Courtney-irene stfu
**u guys walk off and u and irene uber is there
U say bye guys thank you
Johnny- courtney is there anyway is i can get your number
Courtney- yes smiles
Johnny- thank you
Courtney- hmu
*johnny smiles

Courtneys POV*
I really like johnny his really nice and cute but... Jacob i always like him ughhhh.... Mann

I really like how this story going comment if u do cause it will make me write more thanks much love plz share this story

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