"Are we going to wait it out?" Kol asks.

"Unless you want to go out in that." I said, looking up at him.

His normal face turned into a mischief filled grin.

"Don't even-" I started, but interrupted when Kol grabbed me by the waist.

The water pebbles fell hard against my body. I was getting soaked in water.

"Let me go." I demanded with a laugh.

He let me down, but kept his arms on my shoulders.

"You're crazy!" I screamed over the rain.

"It's one of my best features." Kol smiled.

I twirled around in the rain, laughing uncontrollably.

"May I have this dance, my lady?" Kol asked, holding out his hand.

"Yes you may, fine sir." I accepted.

Our hands meet each other and we move around, freely.

Kol twist home as I laugh uncontrollably.

"Quite the dancer mister." I complimented.

"Oh why thank you." He moves side to side. 

He looks so relaxed, something I haven't seen in a long time. His eyes have open and a small smile on his face.

"What?" He asks.

"Nothing, you just look happy." I replied.

"Because of you Emily. I don't know if I tell you this enough, but your a great friend. I mean you can handle me." Kol confessesed.

We had stoped dancing by now. We were standing in front of each other as the water fell beside us.

"Kol, I don't have to deal with you. Your a good person and friend. You make me forget about all the complicated things in my life." I shout over the rain.

He smiles sadly at me. I knew he wasn't used to hearing things like this.

"Hey, I mean it." I assured him, moving  closer to him.

He looked at me, seriously. I showed him a reassuring, small smile.

He suddenly leans closer to me. My heart starts racing when his eyes drag along my face in a way I've never seen from him.

I don't know why, but I closed the gab between us. His hands go around my waist and mine rub against his face.

My mind was racing with thoughts.

What am I doing? Kol is my best friend? I never felt this way about him before? What happens after this? Why don't I feel totally disgusted?

When we separate, I feel a wave of shame. We both back away from each other.

I run a hand through my hair and turned away from my best friend.

I don't feel this way about Kol. Then why did I kiss him? I'm such a horrible person. What about Elijah?

Kol's POV.
I just kissed Emily. My best friend and Elijah's girlfriend.

"Bloody hell." I muttered under my breath.

I ruined my friendship for what? One damn kiss? I mean it wasn't bad. Actually it was quite good. Shut up Kol.

I'm in love with Bonnie and even though we are not together I feel like I betrayed her.

"What did we do?" Emily asked with a sigh. "It didn't mean anything to you, right?"

"No." I answered.

New Beginnings Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang