Chapter 1 - Shadow's POV

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I caved and decided to write a fanfic for my favourite 'The Enemy Series' ship - Shadowman and Jester :). This will probably be pretty slow burn, and it doesn't follow the exact plot of the books, although this begins where The Sacrifice ends. 


Up until around a year ago, Shadowman had considered himself to have quite the ordinary life - going to school, doing his homework, playing video games, normal kid stuff.

Well, that had all suddenly changed when the sickness had spread across the country, probably the whole world, and all the adults started to either die, or succumb to the side effects and begin seeking out all those under the age of fourteen, wanting to eat them.

Shadow's parents were part of who he thought of as the lucky ones, meaning after getting sick, they died pretty quickly, not having to deal with the carnage and anarchy which quickly spread around London.

The emergency services had quickly crumbled, leading to endless fires, unstoppable looters, and a general increase in crime throughout the city.

That soon stopped as well, because those causing it got ill too, leaving the kids alone to deal with the grown ups wandering the streets.

Shadowman and some of his friends had been alright for a while, hiding out in one of the bigger houses in Notting Hill, but even that didn't last long, the adults, or sickos as he called them, Mothers and Fathers who hadn't died from the disease, had eventually gotten through their defences, killing everyone.

Besides himself, and Jester. By sheer dumb luck, they'd both gotten out alive and managed to survive this long, Jester said Shadow was like a charm, stick with him and miraculously you wouldn't die.

Shadow couldn't let himself get into that mind-set though, that's how you got yourself killed, he'd seen it before, too many times.

He barely even knew if Jester was alive anymore, the last time he'd seen him hadn't exactly been under the best circumstances.

They'd been at King's Cross station, surrounded by sickos on all side, five of them originally, but Tom and Kate had ran at the first signs of things getting worse. 

Jester had charged at them, but they all seemed to know it wouldn't do anything, there were too many - overwhelmed.

He'd gotten hurt, Shadowman, Jester'd hit him smack in the middle of the head with a baseball bat, an accident, but not one that should've been made. Shadow had fallen like a tonne of bricks, unconscious on the floor, and Jester had ran, ran like the coward he was, leaving his best friend, only real friend left, to die.

He must've been right about the lucky charm idea, despite all odds being stacked against him, he'd gotten away, survived, and now sat with a ragtag group of kids who'd come all the way from the Tower of London, escorted by a rather green looking sicko.

Weeks before, Shadowman wouldn't believe he'd be sat here, but, from what he'd seen since then, he knew a lot could change in a short period of time.

According to Sam, one of the younger members of the group, Jester had appeared at his old base, a Waitrose in Holloway, meaning he had escaped from the station, maybe even made it back to Buckingham Palace, since Sam was so convinced his sister was there.

Well if he was, Shadowman couldn't wait to see him, tell him what he thought about leaving him alone to die.

Sure, Shadow had left his fair share of kids alone to die during the past few weeks, but he hadn't known them, didn't owe them anything. What had happened between Jester and himself was different, they were supposed to be best friends, have each others back.

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