Intrude on Sabertooth

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"It's been a while, (Y/N)-san and Gato-san." Yukino bows to us in respect. Our guildmates turn to us.

"You guys know each other?" Happy asks.

"Considering you were formerly from Sabertooth, I assume you were friends." Charla says. Gato and I did not say anything. Yukino lifts up from her bow.

"Well, I only been in the guild for about a year. (Y/N)-san and Gato-san joined the guild before me. We really didn't acquainted as much as I hoped since they usually took on missions separate from my own." Yukino explains.

"That's right. Sorry we didn't properly introduced ourselves. However, introductions aside, may we ask why you are here?" Gato asks her.

We entered the Honeybone inn and allowed Yukino to take a seat. She was expressionless the entire time. Happy even offered her fish, but Charla had to scold him on the issue at hand.

"The truth is, I wanted to see Lucy-san."

"To see me, but what about?" she asks.

"I left the guild just to see you." Yukino tells Lucy.

"To see her? What, did your guild come here to mess with her or something?" Natsu interrogates her.

"Why don't we hear her out? I don't think she's here to hurt somebody." Wendy calms down his suspicions. I'm still confused. If Sabertooth kicks you out when you lost, then how come Yukino is still a part of them? Did they make en exception for her?

It turns out Yukino wanted to leave the two remaining Celestial Zodiac keys with Lucy. However, she refused. That's when Yukino revealed Minerva will take her place since she was a part of the strongest five wizards from Sabertooth.

"Hold on, we thought you were the strongest since (Y/N) explained how she was replaced by you." Happy mentions. Way to pour salt on an open wound. Charla points how insensitive he was since I was standing right here.

"Normally, newcomers wouldn't compete in the Games. However, Minerva had to take a job which prevented her from entering the Games. I was added onto the roster since the incident with (Y/N) went south." Everyone looks at me with pity in their eyes. Yukino looks up at me. "I apologize for taking your place. You would have been able handle things a whole lot better than me." I shake my head.

"You have no reason to apologize. What went down between Sabertooth and I is my own personal business. I always wanted to join Fairy Tail, so I would have left the guild one way or another."

"Can you explain what Sabertooth did you, (Y/N)?" Natsu asks me.

"Let Yukino finished explaining why she wants to hand over her keys to Lucy first." I tell him. He agreed to stay quiet. For now.

Even though Yukino was persisted to let Lucy have the two remaining keys of the 12 Zodiac golden keys, Lucy still refused to accept. She explained to Charla and Wendy how those keys are precious to Yukino. There was no way she wanted to take them from her. Meanwhile, Natsu, Happy, Gato and I went after Yukino.

"Hey. So you stopped after all, I guess you aren't a bad person after all." I see Yukino's brown eyes widen at Natsu's comment. He wanted to apologize for thinking she was a bad person. Yukino began to cry to which we were all shocked. She fell to the ground, covering her face with her hands.

"Look, if it was something I said, I'm sorry." Natsu apologizes. Yukino continues to weep.

"No. It's just... no one has ever been so kind to me. I looked up to them. Sabertooth were my idols. I finally got to join the guild... but I-" Oh, no. Deja vu appears before me. Gato and I quickly rush over to her. I place my hands on her shaking shoulders.

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