The Perfect Girl

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                           Ford's Pov

               I am Clifford(Ford- that's what everyone calls me) Peatersun- I am poor but my grandmother's 18 million dollar inheritance money pays for me- my grandmother was the only one who ever cared about me and i have to keep the money a secret or my parents will spend it all on drugs and alcohol. When i am 18 i am going to travel the world while looking for the "perfect girl". I have my life already planned out for after i get done with college on my football scholarship. I will look for my girl in college and then i will live my life with her and she will not do drugs or smoke. We will travel the world till our money is about to run out then we will save the rest for our kids so our kids will have the best life they could ever dream of- like i didn't have. My grandma Jan died about a month ago but i still feel her around me telling me to push on. My grandma was always there when i needed a good hug or food- my grandma was like the mom i always dreamed of having nice, gentle, caring, and always there for me. The night before my grandma had died my mom was asking her for money to buy more booze. My grandma immediately turned her away. That night i had slept by my grandma and i woke up to her not breathing-i was laying on her chest listening to no heartbeat. It was a very traumatic experience for me. My mom told me at her funeral that gran deserved to die and that's what happens to people who are stingy with their money. I left the funeral and went to grandma's mansion and i got into her closet. I cried for two whole days in that closet remembering how when i was 7 and mom and dad were drunk and i would run 3 miles to grandma's house to hide in her closet, she would wrap me up in a blanket and wipe my tears while rocking me to sleep- everytime grandma knew when i was hurt and she would take care of me- she would always boost me back up when mom talked me down. As i got older living in that house- my dad began  this horrible abusive behavior and he started to beat up mom and me; if grandma wouldv'e let him beat her she would have either been dead or killed herself but grandma was always the one to take me out of the situation and stop the madness and take care of my bruises and scars and everything. I am 17 and i am in Yale University; i have about 29 girls crushing on me but i have only slept with 20 of them. Some people call me a player but i call myself a very lucky guy. I have been trying to find that one girl but it is hard when other girls are draping there naked bodies all over you.

                               Tia's Pov

                   My name is Portia(Tia) Parks and i am a very rich girl with tons of dreams and expectations. My expectations don't always live up to what i want them to be but i do them again and again till i feel like that is what i wanted them to be. Some people call that being a perfectionist i call that trying to be great. My dad has 27 skateparks throughout the world and my mom is in stocks and bonds- so that equals me hardly ever seeing both of them. I bet the only way my parents knew who i was dating if it was in the newspaper. My parents have this really big idea of me- they want me to marry a rich guy because they don't want me to lift a finger but i don't have any problem with working for my own money and starting from the bottom. One time i asked my dad about this kid in my school because he dressed poorly but he went to a very rich and prestigous school(my school) and i didn't understand why he dressed like that and my dad went on this big lecture telling me all about his life and how he is poor but his memaw(grandma) pays for him. I think the kids name was Ford Peters or something like that. I am now 17 and in college and i want to be a photographer but it doesn't really matter because my dad doesn't want me to work and my dad said that if i don't like someone or am not dating someone by the end of this semester then he will make me date someone that he chooses.(Ughhh- i wish he would stay out of my life like he usually does but when it comes to dating and marriage he is all about it which that is super annoying.

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