Before I Left

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Third persons pov

spongebob wiped the tears that ran freely,  and got dressed. it was the usual. he'd go to his closet and pull out is fresh vans, and dark brown skinny jeans, white button up shirt and a big black hoody with his thick framed glasses. then he'd go to his bathroon and do his hygene. 

then go down stairs and try to avoid his constantly drunk and abusive mother. unfortunatly today he was not very luck. 

Spongebob's p.o.v.

i tipp toed my way down the spiral staircase. you see im not like normal teens, my dad is rich and my mom's a drunk. well long story short my dad took my mom as his mistress while he had a wife my mother loved him very much so when she told him that she was pregnant he was overjoyed. weird right. well turns out his wife couldnt have kids. any way now i live with my dad.

according to what my dad says my mom was an amazing person, but she was also very terrible. whatever the hell that means. personally i think he ment she was an easy lay, but what ever. any way  his wife is a drunk and hates me for what reason i dont know. and guess what she happened to be sober this morning, yipee. 

" sponge bob" she slurred while she tried to stand up on her feet.

"i told you its bobby now" i said getting eritated with her for always getting my name wrong. l

ok so when i was younger i used to use a sponge instead of a rag when i bathed so they started calling me spongebob. and ever since i havent been about to shake that nick name. 

i was nocked out of my thoughts when my 'mother' hit me in the head with her bottle of vodka. great she pulled out the shit beer. cause you know it doesnt work on her. we got the most expensive bottle and it has like no effect. 

while on the floor, i tried to catch my breath. the bottle was mostly full, and wow that hurt. as i got up my mother came back into the room with a pink vib. shit oh no please not this again.

" bobby, its either you fuck me or you walk around with this vib up ur ass. and if you think i wont no if you took it out or not your mistaken. 


and thats the story of how i ended up going to school with a vib up my ass. my older adoptive brother plankton, but we just call him k-ton, came down the stairs and stared as my 'mother' shoved a 10 inch vib up my ass. i think he finally over came the shock when he pulled out his keys and said. ' come on ma, were gonna be late" 

with that being said, she let me go and let us go. but as we were about to leave she said. " bobby, happy birthday. heres your present"  then she turned the vib up to the very highest. that, i has got to be the worst morning i have ever had. oh and to top it off im going to school. oh lord kill me now. 

sorry for not updating guys, i hope this makes up for it, hope you like it. and before i get any negative comments about this chapter. i told you in the first chapter, this is nothing like the actual show, so suck it up. if you enjoyed this chapter, please read on, vote and share. 

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