“Can I help you?” He asked trying not to come off anymore offensive than he already had.

            “Actually you can,” Carter replied as Liam sat up, “look Liam, I’m going to put this simply. I wasn’t very fond of you in the beginning, nor did I ever warm up to you entirely like the rest of my family, and now I finally have a reason as to why. You’re a prick- plain and simple.”

            Carter leaned against the door frame slightly, his arms crossed in front of his chest; his back was completely straight as if he was a body guard. Liam merely stared back coldly. He couldn’t deny it- he had been a prick, but how dare Carter bring up the ‘him’ he didn’t remember.

            “Listen pretty boy, I know you’re going through some tough shit lately, I get that. You have every right to be pissed, but we have a problem when the only person you take it out on is my sister. Out of all people, she’s the one you should be the kindest to. In fact, she’s been so good to you, before and after your accident, that you should kiss the fucking ground she walks on-,”

            “Now that’s not fair,” Liam started cutting Carter off and getting up.

            “I wasn’t done,” Carter growled before Liam could get another word in, “And yet before I got here you treated her like shit and now for the entire four days I’ve been here, you’ve ignored her. So, what I'm saying is that you need to grow up, be a mature fucking person, and cut the shit. All of it.”

            Liam could feel himself tensing up; his hands formed into fists on their own accord. Who did he bloody think he was?

            “I don’t need to put up with your threats. You have no right to even be here!”

            Carter laughed sarcastically, “You don’t get to talk about rights. You have no right to be a douche bag and look at that- you do it anyways.”    

              Liam finally lashed out, but Carter was quick, catching Liam’s fist with his hand and then grabbing the front of Liam’s shirt. He pushed him roughly against the frame of the door.

            “Think again, buddy,” Carter spat the words out menacingly, “I’d rethink your attitude.”

            “Woah, this is hot. I get you’re fighting and everything, but this is really good. And actually, on some level I always knew you were gay Carter. Plus, I can totally peg you for being the type who likes it rough,” Sam babbled playfully a few feet away.

            Carter stepped back from Liam and even though his body was still tense and one hand was still clenched he cracked the tiniest of smiles. On one hand Sam annoyingly knew how to rile him up, but on the other she knew how to defuse him too.

            “I’m not gay and most certainly not for that,” Carter replied in an even tone waving his hand in Liam’s general direction.

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