Chapter Seven

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chapter seven: *Only If You’re A Little Bit in Love With Me*


            “Look pretty boy, I know you’re going through some tough shit-,” Carter stopped and looked at himself in the mirror. His black hair, a trait he’d gotten from his grandfather, contrasted nicely with his green eyes. But those were the only two immediate differences between Leslie and him. They had the same cheekbones, and the same thin lips, and even the same signature freckle on  his right cheek that ran through his family.  

            What am I doing? Why would I try to practice this? I’ll just improvise.

            Satisfied with the beginning of his threat and not giving it any more thought he walked out of the room.


            “James not to be called Jamie, I want the usual please,” Leslie called as she entered the smoothie place. She came every day since the beach trip and today was no exception.

            “Look who’s right on time,” James replied gathering the ingredients to make Leslie’s favorite: a strawberry cheesecake milkshake.

            “Six o’ clock every weekday,” Leslie answered as she sat on the stool. “So how’s Lindsay doing?”

            James grinned, “Oh well, you know, she’s going out with a guy this Saturday whose name starts with a ‘J’ and ends with an ‘s’.”

            “You’re kidding?” Leslie responded excitedly, “You finally got the courage to risk it and ask her out?”

            James’ face turned sheepish, “Actually, she finally got sick of waiting around for me to make up my mind and asked me out.”

            Leslie merely rolled her eyes and took the now finished smoothie from him.

            “You know what, I like Lindsay, she’s good for you- she has character.”

            James nodded in agreement.


            Carter walked into the room without knocking to find Liam sprawled out on his bed playing with his phone. For some reason none of the rooms except for the living room and the home theater actually had a television in it.

            “Well, excuse you,” Liam said in greeting without lifting his gaze.

            “I really don’t like you,” Carter answered bluntly.

            Liam looked up surprised. Shit.

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