Episode 18

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This was written before ldshadowlady made episode 18 don't hate me
*lizzie pov*
"Hey guys what's up LDShadowlady here and welcome to one life,today I was planning on pranking some other people.so I am going to head over to Joel's house and fill it with Doors and villagers!is that to mean...?Eh who cares"
*narrator pov*
As Lizzie started crafting doors and heading to Joel's house
Yammy logged Joel logged on
Joel to go to find a very rare flower to give to lizzie in appreciation for the butterfly she gave him.as he ventured through the desert determined to get the Gorgeous flower for his soulmate as his mouse glitches out and sends him flying into quicksand he escaped just barely with 7 1/2 hearts left he unfortunately never regenerating his hearts.he ran into a tiny cactus he now has 7 hearts but still determined(and a tad crazy) continued to fine the gorgeous pale pink short flower (that I just made up) he rode his boat till a skeleton shot him with a poison arrow leaving him with half a heart he wiped up the flower and teleported to spawn.he ran into lizzie tossing her the flower as the Blood moon starts.they are in his house. After the moon lizzie thanked him and left as Joel went out on the world he passed the shops he thought he regenerated his hearts but he didn't,a zombie ran out of a shop so Joel kept backing up until he fell down a mine shaft as he died Yammy stumbled upon his items and immediately texted Lizzie;
Yams:lizzie something terrible happened
Yams:it's Joel he fell down a mine shaft and died.
Lizzie put her hands up to her mouth tears sliding down her
"H-why w-w-who w-what would do this"

                 Two days later
Oli logs on
*yammy pov*
"I wonder where lizzie is" I think out loud
"Maybe in her house.depressed?"oli responded in almost a question
"I'll go check" I say back
"Got it"oli replies

One-Life (A LDShadowlady x Smallishbeans)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora