Boys & Girls {Completed}

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Dedicated to all those girls who suffered embarrassing "period" moments.

 Amaru Orbs groaned, clutching at her stomach as sweat collected on her skin. She hated being a girl sometimes; boys never got periods, or the cramps that came with them. This wasn't the first time, though.

Amaru staggered on her feet, swearing. It couldn't get any worse. She couldn't even walk across the room's length. That was when the door to the room swung open, crashing into the wall beside it, and Amoru jumped. Goose bumps scattered themselves over her and she shuddered. She peered up beyond her fringe. Fuck. It was Kyle.

"Go away, you- ugh."

The pain in her stomach burst, and she clenched her jaw, the pain almost unbearable; Kyle walked over to her, cautious. He frowned, reaching out to her. In an attempt to move away, Amaru stumbled back. She crashed into the bedside table, her water tipping over and spilling on the carpet. She dropped into her bed.

"What's wrong?" Kyle murmured, hand upon her shoulder.

She shrugged him off, not saying anything. Silence passed, and they stared.

Then, Amoru spotted a figure in the doorway. "Pamela."

 Kyle turned his head, and frowned up at Pamela, gesturing to Amura. Pam laughed softly, smiling wryly at the man. Kyle's frown deepened. What was so funny? 

"You really want to know?" Pam smirked at Kyle, raising a brow.

Kyle frowned, nodding slowly, cautiously. "Of course I do; she's my friend."

Pam again laughed softly, ruffling Kyle's hair. He jerked, disgusted. She ignored him. "Of course you do; but she's a girl."

Kyle instantly flushed, making Pam laugh. She winked at him, sticking her tongue out. "It's a girls thing."

"She's on her- "

"PMSing like a volcano?"

"What th-"

Pam laughed again, shoving his back playfully. "Move it, pretty boy. "

"Is he gone?"

"Are your cramps gone?"

"Not really."

Pam laughed at the memory, winking at her friend. Amura flushed, grinning like an idiot. "There's a huge difference between girls and boy, isn't there?"

"That's why it's boys and girls, not something else."

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