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Carter "Boss Man" White

"Aye, Boss Man. That's enough chill out." RJ pulled me back and I glared at him before looking down at the bloodied for, I tried to catch my breath. I don't know who I am anymore, the game,my business, it's always been me. I haven't noticed but the guys think I've become even more violent than I already was. This was a completely different side of me, the side you've seen with my girls is nothing but the real me. I'm not this Hard, Masculine, Violent ass person inside. But everybody doesn't know that, everybody doesn't need to know that, that's how you get caught up and when you get caught up you get caught slipping, and when you get caught slipping, you're stuck in a life or death situation where you sacrifice. That's not a place I wanna be right now, the girls were with my Mother and were still discussing things with Tori, I had to admit I wanted her more than ever but she ain't having my shit.

"Antwan, Where's my shit ?!"

"R-right here, Boss Man." He studdered and I sighed.

"Antwan, see I this is why I fucks with you. You been charging them privileged motherfuckers extra ?"

"Yes, Sir." I nodded, giving him his cut, I nodded towards the seat and Told my boys to give us a minute.

"Ant, Let me talk to you." He nodded sitting up.

"Why are you here ?"

"I need the money, Sir."

"Why don't you work like a normal kid at McDonalds or Some Shit ?"

"McDonald's won't pay me this type of Money Sir, and My Moms Is Sick. I have to help out with her medical bills and Rent."

"Ant, I'll cover that for you. I just want you to get you a real job and get back to school, you don't need this environment, this shit'll make you crazy. Your a Kid, Live Youngin, While you still can because when you working the streets you never know your true expiration date."

"But I--"

"I got It covered Ant. Just call me later, I don't want to see you back here." I gave him everything he had made today, I didn't need it, it was just extra cash in my pockets. Any reminded me a lot of the younger me. If I had someone to push me or that inspirational father figure of just someone to get me back in school and off the streets than I wouldn't even be who I am today. Everything would be completely different I might even be doing something useful with my Life.


"How are you Mrs. Myers ?"

"I'm Fine, Carter how have you been ?"

"I've been great, Taking care of the family."

"That's Great, Honey. Now tell me How do you know my son ?"

"He's friends with my Nephew. I've known Ant since he was a Baby Mrs Myers." Antwan's Mom used to babysit my sister and I, and even my cousins."

"Mhm, You're right. But don't lie to me again, Carter...I know he works for you."

"I'm sorry. But not anymore, I don't want Ant in these streets doing nothing. You know what I mean ? He's got a lot of potential and a long way ahead of him and this type of lifestyle, the one I live isn't safe for him or for you. Which is why I'm letting Ant Go. I'll cover your medical bills and Mortgage, your boy has been working hard to help you out, but I want him to do better, this dirty money ain't it. I owe it to you Mrs. Myers and there's nothing that'll change my mind."

"Thank you, Carter."she hugged me tight and smiled, I haven't seen or talked to her in forever. She was one of the best babysitters ever.

"Yeah, well I'm ready for a wedding and a grandson." I chuckled listening to my Mama. She brought up the topic of my relationship status, yet again.

"Whatever, Ma."

"I'm Serious, Carter. We're both getting old."

"Nah, Mama you look good."

"Oh, Child I already know ! I said getting old as in Age I didn't say I looked it." Tori giggled and looked at me before going back to Ro. I laughed shaking my head. I was feeding Nayeli while she was cooking, Ro was on the iPad while still discussing things with Tori. We've been discussing this for a week now. My mother insisted I invite Tori for dinner while we all discussed the boutique.


"Tor? You're giving me a nickname already ?"

"Aight, You feeling ya' self now." She laughed and Straight faced me.

"Okay, What ?"

"How old are you ?"
"Boy!" Mama budded in and I contained a laugh.

"What ?! I know you lovely mother here told you to never ask a woman their age."

"You're right--"

"I sure as hell did!"

"You're right, and I'm sorry I'm just curious."

"It's fine and I'm 36." My eyes grew wide and she laughed. She looked good as hell to be thirty six.


"Girl , You look good." Mama complimented her, I was still in shock.

"Thank you, Mrs. White."

"Child, just call me Corryn."

"Okay." Tori giggled and Nodded.

"Carter ? Are you just gonna sit here and stare at her ?" I snapped out of my trance and looked at my mom who smirked at me Before taking the girls and Heading out. Tori turned and looked at me.

"Is there something you wanna Say, Carter ?" I shook my head and headed out of the kitchen. Remember what I said about getting caught? This is where it's supposed to begin but I'm not having it.

"Daddyyy! Can Ms.Tori come to the bitch with us??? Pretty pwease!"

"Ro, Stop cursing. Just say Shore..." she didn't know how to say beach, she didn't know how to say a lot of things but she's smart. Smart enough to point out the fact that I hadn't answered her question.

"You void the questy daddy."

"If she's okay with going, Yes Royalty."

"Alwhitey, Ms. Toriiii !"

"Yes, Ro?"

"Would you like to come to daaa...oh! Da  shore? I don't know how to say it but sand and crabs."

"The beach ? I would love to come to the beach with you."

She slid past me in the small hallway and her ass rubbed against my sweats and my dick jumped.

"We're going tomorrow." She nodded and grabbed Royalty's Hand. If this was my house and My girls Weren't here I would've pulled her into a Room already and Blew her back out but I didn't want to ruin this for them, Tori's one of the best.

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