Chapter 3

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I woke up as usual, 6:30 on the dot so I could clean the house in time for the rest of the day. I have crunched it all down to roughy an hour to feed the cat, clean after Barb and Ron, and make breakfast. They often don't wake up early enough in order for me to make their beds, which was also one of the reasons why I woke up so early.

Also I still needed to finish all of my homework that I fell asleep on last night.

So this morning was a mad dash to finish all my chores in thirty minutes. I figured if I could at least give myself an hour to finish my Physics packet at school, then I could have time to do my math homework during actual physics class because it was technically classwork that Mrs. Wilson said we could work on at home if we chose to. I don't like the thought of waiting to do something later than I could so I decide to make it my first priority. Then after my history and math class, I could write my paper at lunch in the library.

Everything all planned out nicely to a tee.

I quickly make some eggs and pancakes for Ron and Barb and feed the cat on my way out of the residence. I managed to finish everything in under 25 minutes. I felt very accomplished, but weird by it because normally I never have this much free time. I had no clue what to feel about it all. It's as if someone gave me a new toy with no instructions. I don't know what to do with it really.

That's why plans work. As I road the city bus to the bus stop that's about a 5 minute walk from my school I planned for the extra amount of time I had.

If I get to school by 7:03 assuming that the bus gets a green light on Merlot Boulevard, that gives me the time where I can start my homework around 7:10 after running to the classroom, then I can freely work on the Physics packet until school starts at 8 o'clock. I overestimated my time though when I decided to braid my hair in the mirror instead of on the bus. I note next time to start multi-tasking more. . .

Luckily, all of my predictions were correct, and the Merlot light was green, and I was sitting in my Physics classroom with Mrs. Wilson grading papers.

We were sitting in complete silence when a boy walks through the door. I recognize the light brown and take notice that it was in fact Ethan from the mall two weeks ago. I've seen him around the halls and he stares at me a lot. Not in a longing way I found out. After he was staring quite blatantly at me last week while I was at my locker I turn to catch his eye and he did a quick up down look and laughed. Not in a completely mean way. I think he remembered that 'joke' I made regarding telling my kids about my first kiss. I don't really find it funny because I think names add substance to the story, but I don't think Ethan would know that kind of thing.

After he laughed, he apologized and said he just thought of something funny and went on his merry way. He joined back up with one of the guys that he was at the mall with who I never got the name of and spoke to him while glancing back at me and they both laughed again. I think that boys just have a very odd sense of humor. I wasn't caught up too much by the attention. It was just words and shoot, if he thought of something that made him happy, then I'm glad that thought came up when he saw me. I like being associated with happy things.

We haven't talked since then and we barely are ever at our lockers at the same time. I'm always at my locker which very seldom people ever use because they all have heavy duty backpacks that can carry all of their stuff and actually last the year. While I was going to make my light blue $16.99 knock-off L.L. Dean backpack last. Ha ha.

Ethan didn't notice me in the classroom since I sat all the way in the back because Mrs. Wilson puts all the misbehaving people in the front. Without this notice, Ethan spoke so freely.

"Mrs. Wilson, how am I supposed to learn all this within a day? I'm so confused and I have to read the same thing over and over again and I still don't get it!"

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