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Requested by: chicken_burritos

Dreville= Draco Malfoy + Neville Longbottom.

I can actually see that. That's not too far off. I can't do enough research on this because there are only a few Dreville fanfictions. I do think that Neville would make Draco a much better person, but Draco would drive Neville crazy with his insanely high ego. So, it's not an ideal ship, but it's not bad either.

It depends on how Draco is: he could either make or break Neville's confidence.

Draco's a bit too sarcastic in that manner; I don't know how Neville would take it.

It really depends on the circumstances; I think Neville needs someone with less of an ego. Draco's father with be ballistic and would probably disown Draco. Neville's friends and family would think he's out of his mind.

Dreville isn't too far off, but I ship Draco and Neville with other people. Maybe this could work under certain circumstances, but the war would've had to change Draco immensely. This could work, but both boys would be facing immense backlash.

Rating: 7/10

Have any more ships for me to react to? Comment them here.

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