Day 2

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Snoutlout's Pov

I couldn't help my self. She was standing there awkwardly looking at Astrid and Hiccup talk. I told her to wait there while I got her something to drink. She looked around blushing and rubbing her arm. She looked so cute and vulnerable. I walked up from behind her. I stay there for a few minutes sniffing her beautiful fragrance. I then kiss her neck. She turned around quickly blushing. "M-Master?...." Oh, how I loved it when she called me that. I felt like I had power over her. I felt like she only looked up at me. She only saw me. I smile feeling myself get hot. I set the drinks down on the table and wrap my arms around her. "M-Master!.." I smirk and put my finger up to my lips. I then lean in and so did she. I kissed her passionately.I pulled away and started kissing her jaw line and to her shoulder. She moaned making me smirk. She looked up at me with her reddish goldish eyes. She then smiles evilly making me confused. She then started laughing. I let go of her and back away. She takes steps towards me. With each step, she took It would get darker. Then all saw was blackness. Except for her. She laughed again grabbing my neck lifting me up. "You're pathetic and gross....Falling in love with you own pet dragon...ha ha ha HAHAHAHA!" I was losing air. I could feel my self-slipping away. She then stuck her hand in my chest making me scream.

End of dream:

I open my eyes to see I'm on the floor. "Oh thank Zeus....It was just a nightmare." I look up to see (y/n) peeking her head over from the bed. "Are you alright master?" Sweat dripped down my head and my breathing was ragged. I nodded standing up and rubbing my head. I open my eyes to see her face close to mine. Her forehead was on mines making me blush. "Your head is hot...Are you sick?" I shake my head and she sits back. I realize she was in my shirt and boxers. I blush and look away. "A-Are you hungry?" She nods and smiles. She jumped on my head making me fall onto my back. I huff and chuckle. I sit up and make my way downstairs. I have her sit in the seat and make my way into the kitchen and start cooking. I sit there and think about my dream. She looked so evil and tried to kill me. Is she really like that?  Will she ever turn on me?  Is she going to try and hurt me? A lot of questions came to mind. Just then I felt two arms wrap around my waist. I turn around to see her. Her head was down on my back and she was shaking a little. "Are you alright?"I say turning around. She nodded and hugged me. I don't say anything...But I hugged her back. She pulled away and sat back down at the table. I look at her for a moment and turn back to making the food. I gave her, her plate and I sat down and started to eat. "Are you sure your alright Hookfang?" She looked up at me and smiled. "I'm fine master....I just needed to be next to you." I blush and look down to my food. "Ah ok then." I continue eating giving her a glance every few seconds. "Um, Master?"  "YES?!" She looked kinda surprised then laughed. I blush and glance away rubbing the back of my neck again. "Can we hang out together? Just the two of us?" I smile and nod. "Sure."  She smiles happily and finishes her food and runs upstairs. I heard a few clinks and clanks and she came running back downstairs wearing pants and a jacket. She had grabbed my helmet and gave it to me. I finished eating and place my helmet on. I close and lock the door behind us and walk into town. She looks around happily. She then grabbed my hand making me blush. "Are you alright master? Your face is red." "YES YES I'M FINE!" She laughs and smiles again. Why don't we buy some food and head to the water fall?" She nods and I buy some food. We walk into the woods (ON MY WAY TO GRANDMOTHERS HOUSE! jk jk) I sit on the rock and watched as she played in the water. She went under the water fall laughing. I smile. She's having such a great time. She then started playing with the fishes and one came jumping out of the water which scared her making her fall back. I laugh holding my stomach. "You alright there?" I say in between laughs. She laughs and flys up shaking the water off of her. "Just fine!" She the flys down grabbing the fish that scared her and lit it on fire with her hand. I watched scared as it burned. She then smiled and ate it and flew down next to me licking her hands. She looked at me and her smile dropped. "A-Are you ok master?" I sigh and nod. "Y-Yea I'm fine. Just a little tired." She nodded and stuck her head in the bag. I chuckle and take the bag away. "Hey, Hookfang can you get some firewoo-" She flew away and flew right back as quickly as she left. She dropped down some fire wood. I jump onto the ground and place the wood pieces into a pile. "Now Hookfang can you-?" She lit it on fire not letting me finish my sentence. I take the pot out and put the cut up pieces of peppers, beef, noodles, and water. I mix it. "Now all we have to do is wait." I sit down on the floor but then found myself laying down next to the fire. It's so warm. I feel my eyes getting heavy and soon enough I found myself yawning. Hookfang laid her head on my chest snuggling up to me. I smiled and rubbed her head while my other arm was under my head. And Just like that, I feel asleep. I had the same dream again with her laughing and holding my neck. but instead of putting her hand through my chest...she burned me. I screamed in agony as my skin burned. I clawed my skin screaming my lungs out...then I woke up to her shaking me. "Master! Master!" I sit up quickly seeing a little fire speak on my arm. I quickly brush it off and check the food. It was burnt a little at the bottom but not at the top. At least we can still eat it. I mixed it and sat back down. "Master you were screaming in your sleep!" I rub the sweat off my head and wipe my hand on my shirt. "I-I'm fine just a bad dream." She nodded and hugged me from behind. I sigh and lean into it. She pulls away and I made bowls. I handed her one giving her a fork. She happily ate and so did I. I look around to see it's night. "Huh...It's late out. We should head back once we're done." She nodded finishing the rest in her bowl. I carefully put the pot in the bag and carried the bag carefully. She picked me up and flew to the house. I put it in the cooler and went upstairs. I took my helmet off and shirt and jumped on my bed I felt someone take my shoes off. I moved my head to see hookfang take my shoes off. She then looked down and started taking her pants off. I blushed and looked away. She crawled into the bed getting under the covers. He put her hands around my chest and snuggled close. I smiled and petted her hair. "Good Night...Hook...Fang...." And just like that...I was fast aseep with her in my arms. 

How to train your dragon snotlout x readerWhere stories live. Discover now